Purpose – Brian Friedl https://brianfriedl.com Making Your Life's Mission Possible Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:14:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 64732294 Still Living In The Good News https://brianfriedl.com/still-living-in-the-good-news/ Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:14:34 +0000 https://brianfriedl.com/still-living-in-the-good-news/

Easter Is More Than A Day

It’s been over a week since Easter. As I read through Matthew 28 in my Bible today, I wondered how many of us are still running with fear and joy to tell others?

How many of us are living in the good news of Easter every day?

Easter was meant to be a day that changed all other days. It’s not just a holiday. It’s the best news this world has to offer.

Jesus’ payment on the cross was fully accepted to cover our sin. We are free from the bondage of our inquiries forever!

I’d like to challenge to honestly look at what your response has been to this news. Is it radically changing your life daily?

If I asked those closest to you, would they mention your commitment to sharing the good news of Christ?

In chapter 28, we see the fear, joy, excitement, and obedience as these ladies run to tell the disciples what they had seen.

The chapter concludes with Jesus giving his disciples a similar mission.

He instructs them:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”” ~ Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭

It’s your turn to run with fear and joy to tell others.

This mission is possible! Here’s a great set of resources to help you get equipped:







God’s Plan https://brianfriedl.com/gods-plan/ Fri, 10 Apr 2020 10:50:37 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/gods-plan/

Good Friday

Jesus knew what was entailed in His mission. Three times he asked His Father if there was another way, but was left with the reality that suffering through the cross was the way.

Not only would He endure the cross, but worse yet, separation from the Father. He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. By His wounds we are healed.

No doubt, Good Friday was confusing for the disciples. They were still clinging to the idea that He was headed to Jerusalem to become its physical king.

This was despite the fact that He had told them plainly that He would be handed over to the chief priests, suffer, die, and be raised 3 days later.

There are times in life, like now, where God’s plan seems confusing and doesn’t make sense. We can rest easy knowing that our Father in Heaven is not bound by this world or our expectations.

He has unlimited power and has our best interest in mind. He cares for our greatest needs first and has already solved our biggest problem.
His plan may not always make sense to us, but we know our eternity is secure in Him!




Whose Glory Are You Living For? https://brianfriedl.com/whos-glory-are-you-living-for/ Thu, 06 Feb 2020 13:34:20 +0000 https://brianfriedl.com/whos-glory-are-you-living-for/

He Must Increase, I Must Decrease

Have you ever looked at other believers and gotten jealous because their life or ministry seems to be going better than yours?

This could have been a temptation for John the Baptist. Remember His purpose was to point people to Christ. People were flocking to Jesus.

Hohn could have chosen to have His own special purpose that He created. He could have looked for greatness within himself.

Instead, he surrendered to the mission God had for him; the same mission He has for all of us. We were designed to bring the gospel to all the nations.

To carry out his mission, John realized that Jesus must increase in visibility in his life and he, himself, must decrease.

You too could be tempted to want to live your own life and create your own purpose. Remember you were ransomed at the price of Christ’s blood.

Let us be so grateful for our redemption and confident of our mission,that we truly live for Christ. When people look at our lives, may they see more Jesus than us in all that we do.





Want to know more about carrying out the specific mission God has for you?

Come join the ranks of MP Warriors and take a journey to discovering the mission you were designed for. Here are your journey options:



Vision Mapping course Coming soon!

Get TEN 1 hour sessions and a personalized copy of MISSION POSSIBLE. Invite 2 or more friends to come along and get over half off per person! Limited time only. Message me for details.

Where Is My Help? https://brianfriedl.com/where-is-my-help/ Sat, 01 Feb 2020 14:29:47 +0000 https://brianfriedl.com/where-is-my-help/

My help comes from the Lord

I used to pride myself on my problem solving abilities. Life was was about amassing knowledge to be the best at everything so everyone would look to me as the hero.

At the root of it all was a lack of understanding who God is and who we are. I spend years striving for the approval of others while I attempted to solve everything myself.

This worked well for a while but became all the more difficult as my problems got more complex.

When I was introduced to my sin problem, I was also advised that it was something I couldn’t solve. I set out to prove them wrong.

After a short while of trying, i realized it was not possible. I was exhausted and my problem was still alive and well. I finally stopped striving for a moment and looked up at a mountain and stars of a night sky while in Colorado.

I was overcome with the presence of our Father in Heaven. I surrendered to the One who crafted that mountain and every star in the sky.

I realized that He is the master problem solver, He has established my value, He is who I will always need in every situation.

Maybe you’ve been striving to hold it all together and fix all of the problems you’re facing. Take a breath, look up, and see where your help comes from. It comes from the LORD.


Want to know more about how God will help you on your journey to discovering your purpose in life?

Take advantage of one of these resources:






10 week coaching plans, 1 day intensives, or customize a plan to meet your needs. Message me for details.

You Are Qualified https://brianfriedl.com/you-are-qualified/ Thu, 02 Jan 2020 15:32:16 +0000 https://brianfriedl.com/you-are-qualified/

Live Your Purpose

The mission God has for you in 2020 can seem overwhelming and impossible. You may even feel like your not equipped to accomplish it.

Moses felt the same way. Multiple times he reminds the LORD that he is not good at speaking, yet the LORD sends him anyway.

The truth of the matter is that our Father has equipped you for every good work through His word. You have exactly what you need to do the work that God has prepared for you.

God proves this to Moses and He will do the same for you.

I work with people almost every day who feel unqualified until they take a good honest look at themselves and see how God has equipped them for His Mission.

I have seen several who feel worthless discover God’s design, make a plan, and watch God change the world through them.

When we carry out the mission in accordance with our design, the result is glory, honor, and fruit for the Lord. Joy fills our hearts as we confidently know our purpose and see the hand of the Lord at work.

He desires you to be joyfully at work with Him in the redemption of His people.





Are you lacking joy or purpose? Not sure how to discover God’s plan for your life?

Get connected with the MIssion Possible Warrior (MPWarrior) community and begin your journey to purpose today. Her are you journey options:






Flexible coaching plans, video conferencing, in-person, or via phone. There is a plan to meet your need. Message me for details.

Critical Growth Plan for 2020 https://brianfriedl.com/critical-growth-plan-for-2020/ Mon, 30 Dec 2019 13:13:37 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/critical-growth-plan-for-2020/

Daily In His Word

Every year at this time, I build my education and personal development plan. It usually includes training for speaking, social media, business, etc. These may vary from online to in person events all over the US.

The most important component; however, never changes. I read through the Bible at least once per year. It is by far the most critical part of my training and has challenged me to grow more than any other venue.

It equips me to be ready for the enemies attacks. It encourages me when I lose sight of my vision. It reminds me of God’s love for me when I need it most and it builds a storehouse if wisdom.

The pages of His word are more than just content. They are divinely inspired and have the power to transform me through the renewing of my mind.

Every word, phrase, paragraph and book accomplish their work in me. My mind becomes a repository of the Word for the Holy Spirit to call into memory’s in times of need.

If you want 2020 to be the best growth-filled year yet, make sure to include reading His word daily. You can get a copy of the Bible App on your phone and the select a ‘Bible in a year’ plan.

Make the most important step in your personal development this year.





Want to see what God’s word says about your purpose and wake up excited for each new day?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters






Message me for details. Group discounts for 3 or more.

Passion And Purpose https://brianfriedl.com/passion-and-purpose/ Mon, 23 Dec 2019 15:48:19 +0000 https://brianfriedl.com/passion-and-purpose/ What is my passion and purpose?

I remember having childhood heroes of Spider-Man, Batman, and Superman. They were great, but I really wanted to find REAL life heroes I could model my life after.

I looked for people with integrity, character, and a sense of purpose. Sure there were people setting goals and achieving, but when I followed them long enough they had no sense of their purpose.

When I became a Christian, I began studying the Bible. Excitement came over me when I saw flawed men, like myself, be transformed by God as they humbly pursued Him with PURPOSE.

John the Baptist was one of those men. He had a more clear sense of his purpose than most. When pressed by the Pharisees, he confidently answered, “I am not the Christ”.

He was not looking for fame or a platform. Instead, He was there to prepare the way for Jesus. His whole life was lived for someone else.

There was no mid-life crisis for John mentioned in scripture. He was laser focused on his mission and pursued it to the point of death. That is the kind of unshakeable purpose and passion I wanted.

We, too, can have that kind of laser focus. We can avoid the mid-life crisis. We can wake every day with an unwavering sense of passion and purpose…when Christ is at the center of every part of our lives.

Is Jesus an after thought or is He at the center of all your plans?





Are you tired of feeling like you don’t have clear direction? Do you want to sharpen your focus for 2020?

I do intensive coaching with individuals and groups to discover their purpose and customize a plan using biblical principles.

Message me for details on flexible options and pricing. Rates for group participants are discounted 33% for 3 or more.

Dive Deep https://brianfriedl.com/dive-deep/ Wed, 27 Nov 2019 11:43:59 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/dive-deep/ We already know that God prepared good works for us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10). So how can we be ready to walk in them? It’s quite simple: spend as much time in the word as possible every day.

Don’t be content with looking at the verse of the day for a few seconds while your doing something else.

Feast on His word as if it is your Thanksgiving meal. Savor every bite and grasp its full flavor. Immerse yourself in the conversations around the table.

Dive deep into the lives of the Bible men and women sharing their lives in Christ with you. Learn from their success and failures as they learned to surrender to God.

Do you have trouble keeping consistent? Try posting the verse(s) that stood out to you most and why on your FB wall each day. People will be grateful and will let you know. At the same time, a natural accountability will result.

You can also select a plan in the Bible app and invite a friend to study along with you. It’s a great way to be more intentional and stay accountable. It’s also more fun!

I’m praying you will accept this challenge that you may be equipped for every good work God has prepared for you.





Want to more effectively walk in those good works?

Grab a copy of my new book: MISSIONPOSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters at this link:


Lose It To Find It https://brianfriedl.com/lose-it-to-find-it/ Sun, 27 Oct 2019 13:28:06 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/lose-it-to-find-it/ I was an overachiever. No surprise to anyone who knows me. I excelled in school, work, and whatever I put my hand to. I set goals and would win at all costs.

I felt like I was created to change the world and so I did to the best of my ability. While I piled up awards, accolades and promotions, life still seemed to be missing something.

I was serving in my church and local interdenominational youth group. There would be times where I caught a glimpse of what it was like to carry out my purpose, but it always seemed to fade.

I m an ‘all-in’ kind of person so when I came across this verse it struck me that under all my noble layers of service, I was still ‘all-in’ for me.

I dropped where I was and prayed for the Lord to help me give up my goals and dreams for His. I asked Him to make a way where I could fully live for Him and that’s exactly what He has done.

During the process, I have discovered that everything I’ve given up has been replaced 10-fold with love, joy, and purpose.

I have found life abundantly in the midst of surrender. I wake every morning, knowing who I am supposed to be, where I’m supposed to be, and doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing.

I have found life in completely surrendering to Jesus and carrying out His mission. It seems crazy that the way to a joy filled life is to surrender everything you want, but I tell you it is the answer!

Pray to your Father in heaven that He would help you surrender it all and give you a vision and passion for His mission.




How Do I truly Find God? https://brianfriedl.com/how-do-i-truly-find-god/ Thu, 24 Oct 2019 12:26:05 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/how-do-i-truly-find-god/ I’ve spent the last 30+ years of my life helping people to seek God. This has prompted a ton of conversations and questions.

I have been asked, “How did you find God?” To that I simply reply, “You have to seek Him like your life depends on it, because it does!”

People often say, “Why can’t I find Him like you?” And “I wish my faith was stronger.” They say these things like they have no choice in the matter.

We choose every day what to seek after and where to place our faith. The problem isn’t our lot in life or our circumstances. It’s our willingness to give up control of our lives and seek after God with our WHOLE heart.

When we trust in Him, God takes us on a journey of building our faith and it only deepens the more we seek to know Him.

The problem isn’t external, you simply need to surrender and seek Him more to experience real relationship and faith.

What does that look like in ‘real life?’

1.) Get a good Study Bible that helps you unpack and understand God’s Word.

2.) Carve time out every day to feast in His word. Dig deep. Look for answers.

3.) Take time with God in prayer throughout the day. Take a walk and talk to Him, talk to Him in a quiet place, or on the ride to work.

4.) Attend a Bible-teaching church. Bring a pen and notebook and take notes.

5.) Apply what you are learning daily and at church to your life.

6.) Spend time with your church family around God’s word.

7.) Keep a journal of How you’re seeing God work and what He is teaching you.

8.) Tell others about what you are learning

9.) Keep seeking until you find what you’re looking for. Don’t give up!



