Promises – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 31 Mar 2018 13:11:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Looking Back Looking Forward Sat, 31 Mar 2018 13:11:27 +0000 How dark a day this must have been in history. One betrayed, the rest had abandoned Him. With emotions on high, their minds were not able to recall His promise to rise in 3 days. In their understanding, He was to be King and rule on High, extinguishing the rule of all oppressive forces once and for all.

We have the privilege of looking back with New Testament in hand and rejoicing for what will take place on Sunday. We have hope in in His victory. For He swallowed up death and removed our reproach. We are now His children! As the song says, “Once an enemy, now seated at His table, Jesus Thank You”

And yet holding on to this joy is a fight. We look around us and we see children being murdered by their mothers, every manifestation of hate and perversion you can think of, depression and depravity rampant. We must not forget the promises that have been given us that are yet to come. There will be a day of no more tears, no more pain, where all has been reconciled to Him. He keeps His promises. As we look back to His victory, we also look forward to the completion of all His promises. We must not look to our situation, but keep our eyes fixed on Him!


What things are you struggling with today that are keeping you from having joy?

What promises has Our Father given you that give you hope in the days ahead?

Meditate on these promises daily-morning, noon, and night.


Father, Your plan is perfect and Your promises are true. Help keep our eyes fixed on You and trust in Your promises. While this world seems out of control, we know You are above all things and nothing is impossible with You. Encourage us through Your word today as we walk through darkness being Your light. We ask all of these things in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!



