Patience – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 04 Sep 2021 13:11:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Acts Bible Study 24:1-27 Tue, 15 Nov 2016 10:37:26 +0000

Even while Paul was accused, he took every opportunity to explain the gospel.  Though the intent of Felix may have being to get money from Paul, it didn’t curb Paul’s passion and willingness to share over the course of two years.  He pressed on fully trusting in Jesus, His finished work at the cross, and the promises that God would reveal this truth to His people. 

Read Acts 24:1-27 

1) What stood out to you as you read this?

2) What questions or challenges come to mind that are keeping you from fully understanding this text?

3) What’s the main theme?

4) What’s the application for the original readers?

5) How does this passage apply to believers today and you personally?

Seize every opportunity today to tell of the great works God has done; especially of the works of Jesus at the cross!

How To Endure With Difficult People Sat, 14 May 2016 13:47:52 +0000 Years ago, my wife and I were co-leading a week long summer camp in central Wisconsin.  We showed up a day early to make sure everything was in place. Car by car, families pulled up and dropped their precious cargo of junior high students.  When it was all said and done we had about thirty in all.  We met at the fir circle and covered some ground rules and expectations.

Very quickly, I sized up the group and knew there was one guy in particular that was going to be more than a handful.  I was young, filled with Mountain Dew and ready for the challenge.  This included sleeping less than 2hrs per night and hiding in the woods near the girls cabin to make sure nothing happened.

After two days I was praying that God would just get me through until the end of the week. As usual God’s plans were bigger.  Night one I shared how God had created everything in the universe intentionally and on the second night how man had brought sin into the picture. This night I shared what Jesus did in the cross and that He did it for them also.

The students were instructed to leave the fire circle without saying a word and to go back to their cabins with their leaders and just wait.  My wife and I, as well as the other couple co-leading went from cabin to cabin washing the feet of the students inside.  At this point may I just add I was not thrilled about this part at all. I don’t even like touching my wife’s feet; sorry honey!  As I washed this kids feet I felt the Holy Spirit move/push my head down to this guy’s feet and I kissed them.  My mind raced with thoughts of lawsuits and too many thoughts to list.

I finished and headed back up to the fire. Shortly there after, he came up to me while I was playing guitar by the fire and whispered in my ear, “no one has ever loved me like that before”.  I replied, “That’s how Jesus loves us, like no other”. God taught me so many lessons that night.  Nothing is impossible with Him!  He reminded me that all of life is about relationship, more specifically with Him.  It’s not about us and our comfort but about those Him and hose who need to hear the truth.  I looked at this student and was trying not to endure, God looked at him with love and saw one of His children…

Personal Reflection

We all know someone we have to “endure”. I believe God is asking you not to endure, but to love them today. What can you do to serve them today. Maybe that thought is as repugnant as washing feet to you. Maybe, just maybe, God is about to move in an amazing way changing someone’s eternity and yours!

Prayer Focus

Precious LORD thank you for teaching me so powerfully and patiently.  Redirect our minds to the things that matter.  Give us your heart for the hurt, lost and abandoned.  Give us the perseverance to love them in spite of their walls they have built. Tear down the strongholds that have blocked them from living in your joy.  Give us the desire to Know, Live, and Speak the truth, be equipped to Love and Serve, and Skilled to make a difference. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!

Anxiety Or Prayer? Sat, 30 Apr 2016 11:37:29 +0000 Anxiety really doesn’t help your situation and in fact can lead to physical fatigue and illness.  Have you noticed that whenever God gives us instruction about what we should not do, He follows that with what we should do? The same is true here.

Rather than be anxious, pray with thanksgiving.  This is a simple solution but not easy.  When our emotions are in high gear our biggest enemy can be ourselves.  Running to prayer instead of emotion takes practice and usually requires some close brothers and sisters in Christ to help.

I have to confess I’m still working on this one.  Life can get overwhelming at times for a guy with 8 minor children in our home.  Praise God that he is patiently teaching us that He is faithful in all things at all times!

Personal Reflection 

Prayer is powerful because God is powerful. He hears the cries of His people and has compassion in them.  What causes you the most anxiety?  Pray today that God would lead you through and give you victory over that which tempts you to be anxious.  He desires that victory for you.  Seek out a solid believer to walk with you in this journey.

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, we cry out to you for help as our emotions take us on roller coasters sometimes.  We know in our minds that we need not worry yet fears are relentlessly trying to overtake us.  Firmly guard our minds with the truth of your Word.  Sanctify us with that truth.  Fix our minds on the solid foundation of Christ. In His Name we pray, Amen!





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Sovereignty In The Midst Of Deceit Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:24:40 +0000 Where is this truth more evident in scripture than in the lives of the disciples and Jesus?

Peter is rebuked when he was in opposition after Jesus told them He must be crucified.  It was a harsh and necessary rebuke:

But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.” (Matt 16:23 NASB)

Faithful were those wounds that Jesus inflicted on Peter.  They were for Peter’s benefit. Each part of the wound was meant for good.

On the contrary how deceitful a thing it was for Judas to betray our Lord with none other than a kiss to identify Him for His arrest!  Notice Jesus response:

“Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, “Hail, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. And Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you have come for.” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and seized Him.” 

(‭‭Matt 26:49-50‬ ‭NASB‬‬)

Two things here that could stir our emotions and desire for justice.

1) He calls him “Friend”

2) He seems unshaken by the fact that He is about to be arrested.

It is clear what is about to happen and Jesus, having the Holy Spirit, remains calm, trusting in the sovereignty of His Father. How powerful is that?  I have certainly been betrayed my fair share of times.   I’m sad to say my response at times has been one of seeking revenge and justice.  I’m reminded here by our Lord’s example that we need not worry or be anxious about justice or anything for that matter. For Our God is sovereign even in the midst of deceit.


How easily are you shaken when someone deceives you?  We could use this proverb as grounds to possibly remove a few friends and try to avoid these deceivers, but something tells me you can’t avoid them completely.  Praise God today that nothing is outside the realm of His sovereignty!  We have no need to get worked up and anxious. We have the sovereign Lord in command over every second of our eternity.


Father we confess to you we are prone to retaliation and wrath.   Guide our hearts to a place of trust. For you have said vengeance is yours.  Let us know, live, and speak the truth of your sovereignty each and every moment of today.  May the peace that passes all understanding guard our hearts in Christ Jesus right now, in His Name, Amen!


#sovereignoverdeceivers #woundsofafriendarewelcome


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Patient In His Promise Tue, 19 Apr 2016 13:09:43 +0000 One of the greatest characteristics of our LORD is His patience.  Where we fret and worry He stands strong and confident; patiently waiting.

There are days when my heart cannot deal with anymore grief and I just want Him to finish His judgement and take me home. I see the corruption, deception, and death all around me and want it to be done.

But then I’m reminded; before I knew the LORD, He was patient with me as I wrestled with scripture versus worldly knowledge. He didn’t hastily cast judgement on my questioning heart.  He patiently revealed Himself to me and continues to do so today. I need His patience each day.

Now that I have kids of my own, I am more thankful than ever that He is patient. It is my desire that every one of my children would know the Lord and live for Him. I am beyond grateful and my lips are filled with praise for every moment He has given me!


Sometimes we want Him to finish this life because we are tired.  Tired of dealing with sin in ourselves and the lives of others.  It may simply be that we have lost sight of where our strength comes from.  We may be tired because we are trying to operate in our own strength rather than Resting in God and his strength.  Turn your eyes to Him and ask Him to use you in His process of salvation to those He is being patient with.  May patience flow from the Spirit He has made to dwell in us.

Prayer Focus

Patient, Almighty Father, we confess to you that we get anxious out of our own striving. Help us to rest in you and find strength and patience to endure. May you come have your way in us and may we find contentment to full measure in you alone.  Thank you for your patience with us.  May we do likewise to all who you place in our path.  Our lips will praise you forever in Jesus Name, Amen!





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