Love – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Fri, 10 Apr 2020 10:50:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 God’s Plan Fri, 10 Apr 2020 10:50:37 +0000

Good Friday

Jesus knew what was entailed in His mission. Three times he asked His Father if there was another way, but was left with the reality that suffering through the cross was the way.

Not only would He endure the cross, but worse yet, separation from the Father. He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our sins. The punishment that brought us peace was upon him. By His wounds we are healed.

No doubt, Good Friday was confusing for the disciples. They were still clinging to the idea that He was headed to Jerusalem to become its physical king.

This was despite the fact that He had told them plainly that He would be handed over to the chief priests, suffer, die, and be raised 3 days later.

There are times in life, like now, where God’s plan seems confusing and doesn’t make sense. We can rest easy knowing that our Father in Heaven is not bound by this world or our expectations.

He has unlimited power and has our best interest in mind. He cares for our greatest needs first and has already solved our biggest problem.
His plan may not always make sense to us, but we know our eternity is secure in Him!




Love And Mission Wed, 08 Apr 2020 13:23:48 +0000

The Passover Meal

Today in the timeline of Holy Week, we see the preparation for Passover and Judas betraying Jesus.

We know this was no surprise to The Lord because he mentions it clearly five verses later, “…one of you will betray me.”

Despite this, Jesus eats the Passover meal with His disciples. It’s important to remember that Peter verbally denies connection to Jesus and the rest abandon Him also once he is arrested.

How could He stand to share a meal with the 12 closest people to Him that would all betray or abandon Him?

I would propose 2 reasons. He loved them unconditionally and He was committed to His mission.

We know from Romans 5:8 the kind of love we are dealing with. It’s the kind of love the reaches into the darkest pit and rescues.

We know His mission in 2 Corinthians 5:21. He is reconciling the world to His Father. This mission included death, even death on a cross.

Because of His love and His commitment to the mission, though we were once in darkness we are now seated at His table in the presence of His glorious light!

Praise God that He didn’t let betrayal stand In the way of His love and mission. We ought to do the same.

Have a blessed Holy Wednesday!




Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




Serve Your Neighbor Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:06:47 +0000

Love, Serve, and Disciple

As I shopped for a few odds and ends yesterday, I saw some fear and panic on faces as they gazed upon empty shelves of toilet paper.

I also saw compassion and people helping one another. It was as if two choices were present right before my eyes.

Will we trust God and continue on our mission to love, serve, and disciple others? Or, will we turn inward, withdraw and be lost in the realm of self-focus and hoarding?

Take time today to focus on those around you who may have a need. This will require you to intentionally take your eyes off your self and serve.

In the midst of difficult circumstances, love goes a long way. In the midst of favorable conditions, likewise, love goes a long way. May we be found to be loving in all cases that the Lord may be glorified and His people blessed.




Content In Christ Mon, 02 Mar 2020 18:53:25 +0000

In Him Alone

Money is talked about often in scripture. Perhaps that’s because of the misunderstandings that surround it.

Money itself is amoral. It can be used for good or evil. In and of itself, it is nothing more than a tool. Any underlying issues with money stem from our heart’s motives.

When we pursue it as our hope and we try to assume the role of ultimate provider, we have chosen to make it the object of our faith. This invites destruction in our relationship with God.

When our contentment and faith are in Christ alone, whatever money we have, great or small, can be used to bless our children and those around a us for the sake of the gospel.

Pray for a heart that seeks after God alone and He will supply us with all things to enjoy. Be generous to others and cultivate an environment of blessing.





Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




Love Is The Answer Fri, 14 Feb 2020 13:40:53 +0000
Love Is The Answer

Your a greatest Problem Is Solved

When I consider the greatest problem I have ever faced, I know that it has been solved. For, the love of Christ has conquered my sin!

His love reaches to the depths of my soul and cleanses me from all unrighteousness. This kind of love is greater than any other. It has the power to rescue the darkest of hearts.

Your greatest problem is solved! Rejoice! Share this love with all those around you today!





Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




1756 Sun, 22 Dec 2019 13:13:06 +0000

God’s plan includes one word that differentiates Christianity from every other religion on the planet; Immanuel.

Religions all come with rules and expectations to obey. Only God’s plan has a Savior who has paid for our sins of disobedience and made a way for reconciliation.

Most, if not all religions, have a supreme being that oversees the universe. Only Christianity speaks of a loving God who desires to dwell with us, communicating our value, and expressing His love.

What we have been given is beyond special. Jesus left His place in heaven and “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” (Philippians‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭NASB)

Without Immanuel (God with us) there could be no us with God.

Take time today praising God that He is loving, merciful, and chose to dwell with us. Apart from Him we are lost without Hope. With Him, our joy and hope is unending.





Want to know more about God’s plan for your life?

Grab a copy of my book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters today.



Love Like Jesus Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:15:33 +0000

Love is a word used for everything from baseball to macaroni and cheese, but it’s true meaning is much greater than our temporary desires.

Love is a willingness to sacrifice it all for the sake of another, even if that includes our own death.

Love is a conscious and intentional choice to put another person first.

Love moves us to a place of looking outside ourselves to the mission God has given us.

Because of the love Jesus loved us with at the cross, our sins are forgiven. We are now children of God; brothers and sisters in Christ.

What is our response? We ought to love our brothers and sisters with the same willingness Christ had to lay down His life for us.





Want to learn more about the mission God has for you?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters and get the step by step process to discovering your mission and building a vision and action plan.



Photo Credit: Todd Hatfield

Love Them Fri, 29 Nov 2019 17:02:58 +0000 Over the 31yrs I’ve been professing Christ, I’ve been blessed to see many people receive His call. Prisoners, orphans, any and all who humbled themselves and sought Him found Him.

Sadly, I have also seen some that just couldn’t believe that Jesus was better than whatever vice held them. There were also others who intentionally rebelled against everything God has given.

My heart aches for those who are missing out on the joy available in Jesus.

I am convinced our best option is to love them with the love of Christ. Love can tear down the highest of walls. We cannot win anyone to Christ with judgement.

In the end, there may be some who still choose rebellion over relationship, but we have done our part in the reconciliation of humanity.

Who can you love with the love of Christ today?




Lay Down Your Life Sun, 24 Nov 2019 12:36:41 +0000 What greater love is there that someone would lay down their life for yours? We know that Jesus did that exact thing for us and demonstrated His love because we were sinners.

These thoughts should not only move us to love Jesus back but to give ourselves to the body of Christ (believers).

Everyone needs to experience the love of Christ. When we give of ourselves to others, we are sharing that love. While we may not have to lose our lives physically, we ought to lay down our plans and take Up Christ’s attitude and work.

What have you been holding on to that is keeping you from fully following God and giving yourself to His work?

Let it Go and have the same mind as Christ to give all you have for the sake of the gospel. Give of yourself to the brethren (believers)






Want to build a plan to lay down your life for the sake of the gospel?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters at this link

Love, Not Lie Mon, 18 Nov 2019 13:24:22 +0000 Hypocrisy and false profession are alive and well. No greater way do we see it than when a man makes a profession to love God when he likewise professes to hate his brother.

This cannot be love, but instead lies intended to manipulate and get ones way.

For if you cannot love those whom you can see, touch and experience in the physical realm, how will your mind and heart be able to love that which you cannot see?

True love is a choice born out of the realization that God first loved us. When we contemplate the depth of what He went through for us to be with Him, we are struck to the core and are filled with love and gratitude.

This love desires to go to as many people as we can reach. It is not content with staying just with you. It must spread to those around us freely. It penetrates every corner of our being, squashing hate in its path.

Have you held on to some form of hate for a brother or sister? If so, it’s time to go back to the cross and remember the love which God bestowed upon you. You did nothing to receive it, yet He freely gave it to you.

Pray that God’s love would overthrow the hate in your heart and align your mind and emotions with His.





When we truly understand our mission and see people with the same value God sees them with, our whole perspective changes.

Want to make that perspective change? Grab a copy of my new book: MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That matters are the link below;
