Joy – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Fri, 20 Dec 2019 13:50:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 The Greatest Gift Fri, 20 Dec 2019 13:50:42 +0000

This Christmas, take a moment to breathe and enjoy the gift that was given to you before you were even born.

Your biggest and most stressful problem you will ever face has already been solved in Jesus and His finished work at the cross. Don’t let that stress block the joy that is yours.

His word tells us:

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Any sufferings we face are nothing compared to the amazing gift we have in Christ!

Keep perspective as you fight the crowds/WiFi speeds searching for the “perfect gift” knowing that the One, True Perfect Gift has already come to save us from our sins.




Trial Or Joy Sat, 09 Dec 2017 12:37:57 +0000 I have heard it said that we only know 10% of most peoples situation. That leaves 90% a mystery. There are several that struggle through the holidays rather than enjoy them.

It may be the loss of a loved one, a current battle with cancer, a prodigal son or daughter. In any event, the struggle is real. If we focus on the struggle, we will only see the struggle and negative. If the struggle is long term, this can lead to prolonged periods of grief and even depression.

So what’s the solution? Focus on what brings joy. Scripture is clear that what is being revealed to us, is greater than the struggle. So much so, that the trials are not worthy to be compared.

I’ve been in a place where I didn’t want to get out of bed. Everything seemed horrible and not worth doing. I hung the labels of failure on myself regularly. Friend, this is not God’s design. When we are in that place we need more Jesus time. We need to take every extra moment and dive into His word and worship at His feet. We need to surround ourselves with people doing that same thing.

When we see who God is, what He has done, and what He wants to do through us, it transforms our thinking and reshapes our definition of love. We can no longer fit into a depressive shell. Though our situation may be grievous, remember, our Lord has conquered even death!


Where are your eyes fixed right now? Your situation or on Christ and His finished work?

Are you spending quality time with Jesus daily? (Jesus:The Word – John1:1-14)

Who around you at church or in your community has true joy and could help you on your journey? If you can’t think of anyone, intensify your search until you find someone.


Father, for Your have purposed our joy to be full in Christ. Open blinded eyes to see and set the captives free. May all those who read this be overwhelmed by the joy we have in Christ. Lift them from the dark place and let them be filled with Your loving light. May it be said of them and may they truly believe that their trials are not worthy to be compared to the joy that is being revealed to them in Jesus, Amen!

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He Has Overcome Mon, 09 Oct 2017 11:32:53 +0000 I have to admit today is a day where I need to fight for joy.  Not that it’s not present, but that I need to fight to remember it.  Its so easy to fix our eyes on our circumstances.  There have been so many deaths, diagnoses of cancer and divorces that have bruised my heart lately.  I’m heading to a funeral today even. 

In the midst of all of this, we must remember that Jesus has overcome all the tribulations of this life including death, disease, and sin once and for all. Certainly, that is joy. We can take heart for He has overcome them all! What can we do but praise Him with unending joy?  When our eyes are fixed on Him we see what the ending will be, we have strength to press on, and we are filled with a deep deep joy.  


Where are your eyes fixed today? On your situation or on Him?

If you want joy, where do they need to be fixed?

Take 15 min to thank God out loud for sending a His Son to overcome all the tribulations of this life. 


Thank you Father, for having a perfect plan to overcome the trials of this life and to bring a joy that never ends.  Those trials were never worthy to be compared to the joy being revealed to us in Christ Jesus. Amen!

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Conquer Our Sorrows Mon, 25 Sep 2017 10:39:32 +0000 Yesterday I had the privilege of helping my brother in Christ with a step of his obedience by baptism. Over 100 men came to witness and take part in the event.  What a powerful display of God’s power unleashed on a life that has affected thousands.  So much joy!  I was and am filled to overflowing.  What a great demonstration of trust in our Father’s lovingkindness and rejoicing in His salvation. 

Late in the same day, I received news that a friend of mine was killed in a car accident.  The grief hurts and aches in a way words cannot describe, but I know He is with the Lord now.   The days ahead will be filled with tears and heartache for Family, friends, and my family. We will continue to trust in our Heavenly Father  as He shows us His lovingkindness.  We will rejoice in the salvation our Lord has secured for us!


Amidst the joy there is suffering and amidst the suffering there is joy.  For our Heavenly Father is there through it all; never leaving or forsaking us; fulfilling His promise to be with us to the end of the age.  

Take time today, even if you are mourning, to deeply to gaze upon the cross and see the lovingkindness of the LORD and rejoice!


Father, our emotions are often tied to the events and situations of our lives.  Conquer the sorrows with the joy of Your salvation.  Mend the wounds with Your lovingkindness.  Employ our brokenness for Your glory. In Jesus, Amen!

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Rest Well In Jesus Sun, 24 Sep 2017 09:56:24 +0000 Today I’m baptizing a good friend and brother in Christ. He has received the gift of eternal life, repented, and chosen to follow hard after Jesus Christ. No longer does he have to fear death, for it is now a gateway to life.  He dwells in safety in the house and presence of the LORD.  Peacefully he rests; confident that the Lord has atoned for all of his sins and will walk with him to the end of the age.  He need not ever worry or fear again. In fact, his spirit of fear has been replaced by a spirit of boldness and adoption The LORD has done an amazing work in him in the last year.  What joy overflows in my heart as we celebrate the newness of life.  When we rest well in the person and work of Christ, we rest well physically also. Praise God for His great mercy and love!


If you are a believer, are you resting peacefully as your head hits the pillow?

Are you confident and filled with joy as you walk out your day?

Are you believing that Jesus is all you need?

Carve out time every day, multiple times a day to remember how God rescued and redeemed you. Praise Him for His great love and mercy out loud, especially when you rise up and when you lay down. He is our life!


Thank you Father that you have made a way for me and all those who call upon Your name. You have covered our inquiry and given us new life.  May our lives reflect the beauty of Your grace and glorify Your name, Amen!

Two Words To Live Life Abundantly Mon, 11 Sep 2017 13:35:10 +0000 It seems like today, everyone is looking for the 12 step program to solve everything. It might be the five steps to success or the seven steps to wealth. I’d like to give to the two words to living life abundantly.    It’s simple…”In Him”.  

In Him, we have salvation and victory over past, present, and future sin.  We have received Him as Lord and Savior

In Him, we have been firmly rooted in truth.  In that truth we have confidence, assurance of faith, and the strength to weather any storm. 

In Him, we are built up and established in faith. He is with us and will be till the end of the age. Faithfully He walks with us carefully guiding us as our faith is increased. 

In Him, we are filled with gratitude.  What other response can we give when He has rescued, redeemed and rooted us in Him?  When we meditate on who He is and all He has done we will be overflowing with that joy and gratitude. 

Let us walk for Him and in Him today that we may experience the life abundantly as He has desired for us!


Are you truly living in Him today or are you just doing a lot of stuff for Him?

Take some time to out loud praise Him for all of these blessings we have in Him.  

Enjoy His presence today!


Father you are a good, good Father and have given us life abundantly in Christ.  May we probe the depths of this mystery and immerse ourselves in Him that we may be a pleasing Aroma to our Father in heaven and all that we encounter.  Bless this world through the powerful acts of grace you have worked in our lives. May our lips praise you continually. In Jesus, Amen!

How To No Longer Thirst Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:54:44 +0000 There have been many things in this life that I have thirsted for; only to find out later, they were nothing more than a perpetual desert offering no refreshment.  They produced more bitterness, resentment, complaint, and sin. 

There is only one Source of living water that promises and delivers that we will “never thirst” again. In fact, He promises “…the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  For it will supply out every need for all eternity!

Thankfully, I enjoy this spring of ever-flowing water and refreshment because of my relationship through Jesus Christ with my Father in heaven.  For on my own, I could strive a lifetime and never reach Him, but He in His great mercy has dipped His hand down in the mire, drawn me out, and set my feet in the firm foundation established by His son Jesus.  For His lovingkindness is better than life!

If you are striving and thirsty, consider commenting below this article. I would love to talk with you more.  


Are you truly satisfied in Jesus?

Can you honestly say that His lovingkindness is better than life?

Spend some time reading your Bible and reflecting on all that was paid to purchase your salvation and what love was offered as a result.  

Set your phone/watch alarm today to praise Him before every meal as well as before bed.  For He is worthy of our praise indeed!


Father, you are a mighty God of grace.  While we could not measure up, You have reached down and established a covenant relationship with us. You have rescued us from eternal darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of Your son.  You have made us joint heirs in that kingdom.  Our lips could never praise You enough, yet we will never stop bringing glory and honor to Your great name.  Thank You gracious LORD.  For we are nothing without You. May You have Your way in our hearts today. In the name of Christ we pray, Amen!

The Secret Of Contentment Thu, 06 Jul 2017 12:59:16 +0000 When it comes to needs we all have them whether they are spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, or financial.  These needs can vary moment by moment.  There are times when we have abundance and times when we scratch our heads wondering how to keep the lights on.  

When we are found and rescued by Christ, our greatest need has been met for all eternity.  Is this not greater than the perceived lack of any of those areas?  Paul was a man who experienced great abundance and accolades and yet had also endured hardship and persecution.  What was his secret to contentment?  Focusing on His greatest need being met in Christ. We ought to do the same. 

When Jesus is in this rightful place and our hearts are content in Him, we are at peace. Yes the light bill still needs to be paid, the car still needs new tires, but our hearts are filled with joy that surpasses any need. May you be found filled with that joy today!


What are you most content with?

What if Christ was really the #1 object of your affection and source of contentment? How would your life be different?


Father, we are so easily distracted by the physical realm. Open our eyes to see the amazing eternal gift in Christ.  May our hearts be filled to overflowing with joy in every area of our lives. Let us be content above all else in Jesus.  Give us this day our daily bread that it may not distract our worship but expand it all the more.  We trust in you and love you LORD!  We lift this to You in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Perpetual Blessing Sat, 28 Jan 2017 12:00:49 +0000 Too many times our relationship with God gets reduced to a one-time salvation story.  The truth is, we need to reflect on that powerful and personal experience at the cross each moment of every day.  It fuels us in our mission for Him.  We need to remember that our sins were once scarlet and have now been made white as snow and that our lawless deeds have been forgiven!
Jesus stepped into the filth of humanity to pull us from our own self-inflicted pool of sin.  For without His intervention, we surely would have drowned.  

I recall the moment I realized that I had sinned against the holy God of the universe.  I stood condemned and then something amazing happened.  God revealed The gift He had given me through His Son.  I marveled at His obedience, perfection, and sacrifice.  I was overwhelmed as I pondered that He left His place on high that He may fish me out of the mire.   What a loving Father we have in Him!

Take some time to go back to where it all began.  Recall your earliest memory of understanding the gospel.  Meditate on the victory won for you at the cross. Let praises fill the air and know that you are blessed!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove #childofthemosthigh


How To Have Joy And Satisfaction Sat, 21 Jan 2017 12:22:56 +0000 Contentment comes when we are satisfied with something over time.  That something could be material, spiritual, or even a thought or dream. In spite of the best circumstances it still requires a choice to be satisfied.  

One of the challenges to being content is that circumstances are often changing and seemingly not in our favor.  What we put our hope and affections in can leave us lacking.  

While circumstances change, there is One we can trust who will never change, leave or foresake, and certainly never leave us lacking.  God has proven himself as our provider time and time again.  It was He who sacrificed his son and withheld nothing from us while we were still in rebellion.  This act of love and grace has replaced mourning with joy that is unending. I must continue to remember and not let the cares of this world choke out that truth. 

Make it a part of your daily routine to spend a few minutes remembering your life before your relationship with God through Christ.  Recall the feeling of being freed from your sins and rejoice in His lovingkindness. Review all the times Your Heavenly Father has given you hope and answered your prayers. For the day that awaits you will seek to steal that joy. 

 May your joy in Christ be firmly planted in the depths of your heart producing a beautiful tree of contentment that outlasts any storm!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove

