Grace – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Wed, 20 Dec 2017 13:36:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Give Them Coal For Christmas Wed, 20 Dec 2017 13:36:24 +0000 Holidays, unfortunately, can sometimes bring out the worst in us. Strained family relationships, drama, and even hurtful comments can take an awesome time of worshipping our Savior and turn it into a desire to give coal out of revenge. God’s Word advises us it’s ok to give coal, but in a different way that brings God glory:

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ” VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. ” BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRSTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK; FOR IN SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:14-21‬ ‭NASB‬‬

When we let go of our vengeance and cling to love, 4 results come to mind

Others see who God is.

God is Love. No place do we see this more clearly than the cross. He intentionally sent His son to us, while we were yet sinners, to become sin on our behalf, to die in our place, that we might be reconciled to Him in righteousness. We deserved His wrath and were given His righteousness. This show who God really is. He is love!

We are free to watch Him work:

Our Vengeance by its very nature binds us from experiencing joy. It is an all consuming power that leaves no room for grace. When we leave room for God’s wrath, we can be sure that it will be carried out properly and we are free to watch both God’s grace and justice without being emotionally distraught.

Evil is overcome:

Our Vengeance does not produce anything good. We are to bless those who persecute and seek to meet their needs. For good overcomes evil. Evil never overcomes evil. Again we find ourselves at the foot of the cross. God’s goodness prevails and conquers death, securing us an eternity with Him.

Coal is heaped:

When we carry out our Father’s instruction and overcome evil with good, lives are eternally impacted and He is glorified. Scripture also tell us that if you meet your enemies needs, “you will heap burning coals on his head”. So when the wounds and stinging comments come this Christmas, heap those burning coals of grace and be free to watch the power of God unleashed. ReflectionWho in your life needs some of those burning coals of love and grace heaped on Him/her?Where have you not left room for God’s wrath and already carried out your vengeance instead? Apologize and Make it right. PrayerFather, you have instructed us rightfully to bless those who persecute us, to love our enemies, and to overcome evil with good. Help us to carry this out and give you glory. May many come to know You as a result. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

1498 Mon, 20 Nov 2017 13:04:00 +0000 For the LORD’s lovingkindness is better than life! Said another way; the gift of Christ is better than anything we will ever encounter this side of life.

A belief like that changes everything. When we have the best, we don’t need to go searching for satisfaction in some other thrill or experience. We have what is sufficient through God’s grace.

When our greatest need is satisfied, we are able to live in confidence and without fear of missing anything. We can carry out our mission joyfully knowing He has supplied our every need in Jesus. This joy quickly spills over into praises to great for words!


Do you believe that His lovingkindness is better than life?

What would this belief do in your life and relationships?

How would this confidence affect the way you carry out your mission for God?


Gracious Father, you have given us reason to never stop praising You. For You have rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of light. We are now Your sons and daughters. Our lips run over with praise. May our lives be a living sacrifice for You and increase Your Kingdom in Jesus’ name, Amen!

The Power Of Grace Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:49:04 +0000 There’s no question that grace is powerful. For we know that where sin abounds grace abounds all the more. By grace we have been saved, this is not something that we have earned, but instead a beautiful gift from Our Father in heaven.

While we remember grace’s power to save, we often forget it’s power to instruct us. As we reflect on the cross, our disdain towards sin multiplies and grace raises in us a desire to deny our flesh and all its lusts. Not only that, but It sets a fire under us to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly manner.

Grace by its nature was designed to rescue and lead us to godly living. If you think of grace and guilt rushes in, you’re missing something. Let grace have its full power in you. Let it be your rescuer and instructor that spurs you to Living for Christ!


Name all the things Grace can do in this passage.

Have you seen Grace do these things in your life?

Have you surrender to God and allowed His grace to instruct you? If not, do so today!


Father, Your grace is sufficient for us in Christ. Thank you for its power to save and its power to instruct us. Remind us every moment of the victory won by our Savior at the cross. Renew in us a desire to be taught by grace. May it lead to righteousness in Jesus, Amen!

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How To Walk Through Grief And Suffering Tue, 29 Aug 2017 10:58:20 +0000 We can’t escape grief and suffering in this life. I have found that it actually increases in frequency the longer I live.  Part of that could be that my eyes are more aware of it, but also because I meet and invest in more and more lives every day.  I suppose one could live as a hermit and try to limit the damage, yet the loneliness itself would be a Grief to me.  In light of this, we must learn to walk through grief and suffering.  

David was a man well-acquainted with the pains of this life; physical and emotional especially.  I listened to a sermon this weekend from Pastor John Nett as he shared from Psalm 40.   In that Psalm we see David suffering  greatly and also how he walks in the midst of it.  John shared 3 steps that David took that are simple(not easy) and effective:

  1. Call to mind God’s grace and faithfulness in the past
  2. Praise and Proclaim the goodness of God to anyone who will listen. 
  3. Committing or recommitting to the LORD

We must master placing our focus on God and letting our minds dwell in His faithfulness if we are to keep walking in the toughest of storms.  This week I have seen friends lose homes, a child, jobs, and hope.  What do They have to cling to in the midst of all this grief?  A faithful father who comforts us that We may in turn comfort others.  A Father who is worthy of our praise from now into eternity.  Our lips will forever be filled with His praise!


How do you usually deal with grievous news?

The next time you see or hear of a suffering, recall as quickly as possible a time when God has faithfullly led you throughor met your need. 

How does this change your thoughts and emotions?

Our greatest platform is suffering.  When we praise Him from that platform people are encouraged, they see He is real, and they can come to know Him.  For it is Romans 8:28 at its finest.  Don’t miss that opportunity to glorify our Father in heaven.  


Gracious God, You are good in joy and in trial.  For we count it all joy  because we know You are making us complete and lacking nothing.  Use us to full measure for Your glory. Even in the darkest of times, let us remember Your goodness and shout Your praises to all who can hear.   Bring us through the valley of mourning to Your mountains of joy.  Thank you for Your faithfulness and grace through Jesus, Amen!

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How To Have Joy And Satisfaction Sat, 21 Jan 2017 12:22:56 +0000 Contentment comes when we are satisfied with something over time.  That something could be material, spiritual, or even a thought or dream. In spite of the best circumstances it still requires a choice to be satisfied.  

One of the challenges to being content is that circumstances are often changing and seemingly not in our favor.  What we put our hope and affections in can leave us lacking.  

While circumstances change, there is One we can trust who will never change, leave or foresake, and certainly never leave us lacking.  God has proven himself as our provider time and time again.  It was He who sacrificed his son and withheld nothing from us while we were still in rebellion.  This act of love and grace has replaced mourning with joy that is unending. I must continue to remember and not let the cares of this world choke out that truth. 

Make it a part of your daily routine to spend a few minutes remembering your life before your relationship with God through Christ.  Recall the feeling of being freed from your sins and rejoice in His lovingkindness. Review all the times Your Heavenly Father has given you hope and answered your prayers. For the day that awaits you will seek to steal that joy. 

 May your joy in Christ be firmly planted in the depths of your heart producing a beautiful tree of contentment that outlasts any storm!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


Privileges And Praise Sun, 15 Jan 2017 13:35:42 +0000 The LORD being sovereign over all creation is a foreign concept it seems in multi-generational self-centered and entitled society.  As soon as someone is deemed sovereign, the assumption is loss of rights and privileges. 

This is not always the case; however, with God. When we were “bought” with the blood of Christ we actually gained rights and privileges.  

1. We gained the right to become children of God

2. We became joint heirs with Christ

I could stop here because this is more than we could have asked or imagined

3. He has given us the Holy Spirit indwelling sealing His promise

4. He gave us gifts

5. He cleanses us from all unrighteousness

6. He hears us when we cry

7. Jesus intercedes with the Father for us

8. He works all things together for our good

9. No weapon formed against us will prosper

I could literally keep going on for hours of all the rights and privileges of being His.  Let us never forget or be silent about all of these.  

Make a list of these today and praise your Father in heaven each day for them!

#truthtalkife #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


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God’s Work In Us Fri, 30 Dec 2016 13:24:43 +0000 Let’s face it. Life is a challenge at best and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our circumstances we fail to see that God is at work in and through us.  Cycles of defeat and unchanging circumstances can cause us to forget our mission and God’s plan for our lives. 

This I know: Our Father in heaven has not abandoned us, left us or forsaken us just because things are not working according to our plan. He will perfect the work He started in each one of us.  Sometimes it might just be that we are having a hard time learning a particular lesson so we get stuck in a place for a while.  God’s plan is patiently unfolding even in our stumbling.  He is sovereign over all and uses every experience:

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  ~ Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NASB‬‬

He is developing our character and is concerned about heart; forever training us in righteousness, grace and love. 

What is He teaching you today?   What is He asking from you?  Is there something you have not surrendered? 

Whatever it may be I am likewise confident that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus!




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Acts Bible Study 21:15-26 Thu, 03 Nov 2016 10:30:53 +0000   

You can almost feel the tension building in Jerusalem as Paul returns.  Culture, traditions and people’s way of life stirred up and at odds now concerning teaching from those who were part of The Way. 
Read Acts 21:15-26

1) What stands out in the text?

2) What questions need to be answered so you have understanding?

3) What is the main theme?

4) What is the application for the original readers?

5) How does his passage apply to believers today and to you personally?

May His word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path today!

Rescued For A Reason Thu, 18 Aug 2016 13:11:00 +0000   
Sitting on a wooden fence in the cool Colorado night air, 27 years ago, I surrendered my life to God because I realized that I had sinned against Him and through the power of His son, He would pay for that and I could be made whole again.  I could be a new creation! I had always believed there was something more in store for me.  Up to that point I was basing that on my own abilities, a sense of fate, and lots of self-help and success language.  Finally I had understood the solution for purpose had to come from outside of my corrupted self. 

Over the years I’d revisit this verse often to remind myself of he feeling I had when I had this encounter with God.  As I learned how to study scripture, I expanded my reading to paragraphs and full chapters and books. I began learning about context and not just verse shopping for the ones I liked.  

The 4 verses immediately following the news that we are a new creation are just as amazing!  It shows us that we were rescued for a reason.   He has given us a ministry of reconciliation, the word of reconciliation, and made us His ambassadors.  All of this was made possible  because of the finished work of Jesus Christ at the cross! 

Personal Reflection

As believers, I believe we are all on the same mission together.   Each of our ministries of reconciliation look a little different because we are gifted differently but our end goal is found in Matthew 28:18-20.  So we are reconcilers and disciple makers.  

Spend some time today thinking about how God has gifted you?  What gives you energy and passion?  How can you use that to help others know who God is and the power of the Gospel truth? Pray that God would open opportunities to use those gifts to do just that.  Take action when He makes the way. 

Prayer Focus

LORD, your name is great and greatly to be praised. For You rescued us out of darkness, loneliness and shame and brought us into your loving light.  Furthermore You have adopted us into Your amazing family.  Help us never forget that all of this was done for Your glory and for the souls of those that have not yet experienced Your love and grace.  Equip us for the work of ministry and Your glory, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!



The Power Of Love: More Evidence Fri, 22 Jul 2016 11:42:51 +0000   
When I entered the highschool I was 4’11” and weighed under 80lbs. Can you say target?  I thought having a senior as a brother would help but I was wrong.  I was bullied by every grade except my own.  They used to play ping pong with me when I walked down the Ag hall to my Algebra class. 

 I did everything to avoid the confrontation.  I tried to get there early and even left a door open and walked outside around the entire school with no success. 

A couple of years ago I friended one of these bullies on Facebook. My plan was to see how his life turned out.  What I found was that his life was hard.  Rather than celebrating, my heart was led to compassion by the LORD.  I reached out and offered to pray for him. 

He responded with gratitude and commented that he has been reading my blog posts and to keep writing because it encouraged him.   So what did I learn?  Love is what breaks open a hardened heart that it may be set free and be restored.  When we seek revenge we miss and opportunity to love another into the kingdom. 

Personal Reflection

Who is your #1 enemy?  Who causes you more strife and takes you to the edge, or just plain annoys you like crazy?   Have you tried to change them?   How about trying to love them?

 I challenge you to love them for a day.  Take notes, in a journal, their response.  If you survive, love them for a week. Again, journal the results.  Now try a month.  At the end of the month, compare their responses in your journal between day 1 and day 31.  Has their heart broken open yet?  If not repeat this process as many times as necessary.  It’s now your mission!

Prayer Focus

Father, no greater love have we seen than Your love for us through Jesus Christ. May we be filled to overflowing with that love and intentionally spill it on those around us.  Let forgiveness run free in our heart and veins that we may be free to love without limit.  May it bring joy, honor and glory to You in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
