Glorify – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:34:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Glory Days Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:34:14 +0000 If you have sincerely placed your trust in Jesus as your Savior, His victory over sin has become yours. It’s easy in the Christian life to let the moment that this happened become a distant memory like the glory days of high school. We may even long for those days again.

It ought not be so. Our salvation is meant to be the beginning, as well as the catalyst, that propels us deeper into relationship with God. As we thank God each day for the victory He has given us throughout the Christ, the gift seems to grow. The depth of His love is magnified as we see the depths of our depravity and need of Him.

We also see the power of His grace conforming us in the image of Christ. This ought to increase the excitement of our journey with Him. Each day is more glorifying then the previous. The glory days are now and ahead of us!


When was the last time you thanked God for Your salvation?

When was the last time you praised Him out loud for all He has done.

Take a moment today to sing your own song of praise to Him. It doesn’t need to rhyme. Just sing words of praise to Him out loud, in the shower, car, or wherever you are.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for your victory secured for us through the blood of Your Son. May our hearts be filled with gratitude and praise and may it cause each day to be better than the last. For You are worthy of glory all the days of our lives. For the best is yet to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

1487 Wed, 04 Oct 2017 13:19:46 +0000 It’s easy to read or watch the news and develop a scarcity mentality.  After all everyone is out to get you, right?  You read the stories of theft, shootings, and deaths and feel like staying home and protecting what God has given you.  

I urge you to consider this thought.  When conditions in this world are what I described, the platform is set for people to hear good news and experience good deeds. 

I teach my kids to open doors for others and let them go first. Why? Because it’s the right thing to do and it’s unexpected these days.  As kids, they have a special platform to give glory to God in doing that.  We, as adults, can do good and give in a time when people are expecting to be ignored and take. Advantage of.  It opens a door to speak of God’s glory.  

A few years ago, I came across a car parked on the side of the highway in -20 degree weather.  I happen to notice a young woman in the front seat.   I circled back and asked if there was something I could help with.  At that time I also noticed a beautiful toddler in the back seat beaming with energy.  Her tire was flat and she had no idea how to change and was worried about being late to daycare and work.  After more conversation, I found out she was a single mom.  

I wrapped up the tire change and she asked me what she owed me.  The stage was set I could have gotten a little extra to put in my pocket after all it was -20 out there and who couldn’t use a little extra?  Instead I asked her if she believed in God. She said, “Not really, He’s never shown up to help me”.  I said, “He did today.   He is the reason I’m still alive and the reason I stopped.  The only thing I ask is that you thank Him and give Him another chance”.  I could tell the words pierced her heart.  I gave a quick high five to the cutie in the back seat and they were gone.  It was a 15 minute window of sacrifice.  


I don’t tell this story to highlight me.   I tell it because you will have opportunities today to bless others.  Be watching for them.  Seize them, and glorify God with them.  He has given you a platform to serve and speak from.  Do good and share.  For He is pleased with those sacrifices!


Father, open our eyes to see these opportunities to do good and to share.  It is cheerful medicine for our hearts when we bring You honor and praise.  Conquer any fear that keeps us from reaching out.  You have made us world changers. Help us to walk in that truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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The Quiet Fool Tue, 03 Oct 2017 13:12:42 +0000 In junior high and early high school, I was probably one of the top 5 quietest kids in school. I know that’s hard for some of you to believe but it’s true.  I was often accused of being stuck up because of my silence. God has done a mighty work in opening  up my eyes and heart to His world which has in turn opened my mouth as well. 

As my confidence increased so did my talking. This was not necessarily a good thing.  I often wasted words and filled my mouth with a foot or two.  The substance of my conversation wasn’t God honoring and therefore most of it was undesirable.  I apologize to anyone who knew me during this time 🙂

As He humbled me and revealed Himself, my life’s mission, and vision, my excitement has flourished which has changed the proclamations of my heart and mouth.  For as a fool, it would have been better to remain silent. Now, I listen for moments to glorify my Savior in conversation.  Oh what a patient and loving LORD we have who teaches us all things!

What is the substance of your speech?

Is it God-honoring?

Examine yourself closely.  Does the center of every conversation end up about you?   Perhaps it’s time to listen more, speak less, and make sure the conversation is intentionally on Him. 


Father keep our tongues in Your care.  For we do not want to be fools. Instead, we desire to glorify Your name and tell as many as possible of You and Your great works.  Teach us in this O LORD.  Amen!

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I Am Free Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:44:19 +0000 I remember the days well when I was in bondage and slavery to sin. My flesh ran wild satisfying itself with as many of Earth’s pleasures as possible.  My pride was an unquenchable fire that drove my every decision.  I thought I was free, when in fact, the very opposite was true.  

God revealed to me the chains that held me captive and the One who had broken the chains. It was only then that I saw my rebellion and self-inflicted slavery.  I confessed and repented and His freedom came in like a flood, breaking the chains and liberating me from darkness.  Praise God, for The Son has set me free and I am free indeed!


Are you experiencing true freedom?

Have you confessed everything and repented? If not, do so right now. 

Spend some time remembering the day you first experienced freedom.  Sing to our Father in heaven Your own song of thank You and praise. 


Father, thank You for our freedom. You have broken every chain and are mighty indeed!  Help me to continue to walk in that freedom.  May my life reflect the beauty of Your name! Amen!

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How To Deal With An Unbelieving Spouse Tue, 11 Jul 2017 13:08:22 +0000 Maybe the two of you had an amazing honeymoon and years of marriage under your belt and then one of you came to trust Jesus as your Savior and now everything seems different.  

Or perhaps you ignored the counsel and dismissed the significance of this difference between you and your fiancĂ© and took the plunge. 

In any case, living with an unbelieving spouse can be extremely difficult.  I’d like to share some thoughts from God’s word to equip and encourage you who are dealing with this. 

This does not nullify the covenant you made in marriage.  As hard as it is, God has asked us to remain in the covenant. 

“But to the rest I say, not the Lord, that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he must not divorce her. And a woman who has an unbelieving husband, and he consents to live with her, she must not send her husband away.”‭‭ ~ 1 Corinthians‬ ‭7:12-13

This is a tall order and requires dependence on Him for strength to endure. 

It is not your job to “convert” him/her. As much as you’d like to be the one to lead them to Christ, this expectation often ends more in an argument or pushing your spouse away from God and away from you. Remember God has this!

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.” ~ John‬ ‭6:44‬ ‭NASB‬‬

He hears your cry and has made provision on account of you and has given you a special role in your relationship. 

“For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband…”.        

~ ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭7:14‬a,b ‭NASB‬

So now the practical. What actions do I take in my role then?  Here are 4 actions you can take:

PRAY – It may sound like a cop out and you may want to say, “I have already prayed!”, but remember, these are war prayers.  The war we are facing will last our lifetime.  We must never give up praying. For His word has promised us:

“…The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” ~ James‬ ‭5:16‬b NASB‬‬

If you trust Christ as your Savior, you are made righteous in Him.  Your prayers are filled with His power. You cannot underestimate the results when that power is unleashed.  By faith offer these prayers of war against the enemy who holds your spouse captive. 

LOVE & RESPECT – Do not let your spouse’s disbelief squash the love you desire for them to know. Scripture gives husbands and wives this guide:

“Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.”

 ~ ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:33‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Notice nagging is not mentioned.  Wives desire love and husbands respect. For more in depth study on this love and respect principle, check out this book by Dr Emerson Eggerichs. 

BEHAVIOR – While you can’t control another person’s actions, you can control your own. In fact, your actions will have a greater impact on them than you might think.  

 â€śIn the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives,”

~ ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Again notice, no nagging mentioned. Your behavior is key. Will you feel like you are not being heard? Perhaps, but God is faithful and His promises are true.  Delight in His word and follow his guidance that His love may pour forth through your actions!

CONNECTION – Your spouse is your partner for life.  Not only will you need to invest I. Him/her, You will also need to nurture your relationships with your brothers and sisters in Christ.  This takes a careful balance. You must not neglect your spouse nor cut yourself off from the body of Christ.  We all need the encouragement to press on in the battles we are facing.  Do your best to find balance.  
It’s important to note that if there is any type of abuse going on(verbal,physical, or sexual), you must get to safety and get help.  You can connect with local chapter for domestic violence or get help from the national center. Allow your closest brothers/sisters in Christ in to walk with you through this. Any kind of buse is a difficult road not meant to be walked alone. 


Are you believing that God can/will answer your prayer?

Are you asking God for the power to truly love/respect your spouse? 

Are you truly seeking to love/respect your spouse?

Are your actions pure and reverent toward God, your spouse, and others?

If you answered no to any of these questions, confess to God and ask for restoration and the power to overcome these obstacles in your battles. 


Father, You are our Provider.  I lift to You, those that are facing this battle today on behalf of an unbelieving spouse. May You give them faith to press on, trusting a you will draw their spouse to you.  Help them to Pray, Love, Respect, and Take Action according to Your Word.   We pray for strongholds to be broken and the floodgates to open on unequally yoked marriages across the globe.  May Your Spirit have its way in the hearts of these spouses for You and for Your glory, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Speaking Thanksgiving Sat, 24 Jun 2017 10:03:49 +0000 When our identity changes from enemy of God to child of God, it produces outward changes as well.  Said another way our actions flow from our identity. As children of light, we are now ministers of reconciliation; reconciling people through Christ to their Father in heaven.  

We must put away the old and fully embrace the new.  Replacing all filthiness and improper talk; making no provision for the flesh. Instead, we embrace the purity of Christ and with grateful heart let our lips be filled with thanksgiving and praise. 

The world would take notice if we as Christians would carefully use every word for His glory rather than letting whatever come out of our mouths like a firehouse.  Not only would it take notice, but it would be blessed and uplifted. 


Where, when, and with whom are you most likely to have improper talk?

Ask God to help you change the manner in which you speak; replacing sarcasm and filthy talk with thanksgiving. 


Father, help us to remain focused on You in all things, especially in our speech.  For we know that it is not what goes into the man that defiles him, but what comes out of him.  May our words, actions, and thoughts be pleasing in your sight.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Authority Over All Thu, 04 May 2017 11:26:10 +0000 Somedays life has a way of crowding out truth and leaving us in a place of anxiety or fear.  Scripture tells us perfect love casts out fear.  The perfect act of love at the cross has conquered fear and death forever!   The power and authority of this love holds every realm in its grasp; forever restoring it to God’s perfection. 

In Mark 2, the paralytic is lowered through the roof as the impenetrable crowd watches. Jesus commends the man for his faith, reminds him of his greatest need, and meets both that spiritual need as well as his physical need.  Jesus’ authority was on undeniably on display.  

The Pharisees in the story were right, ythough they did not understand what they were saying when they said, “Who can forgive sins, but God alone?”  For truly, He was not blaspheming, He was God.  Every molecule in the universe must obey Him.  

For the paralytic, he had an insurmountable physical need and yet his spiritual need was even greater. He came for healing and the authority of Jesus’ was dispensed with one phrase; overcoming both of these realms and enabling this man to get up and walk away, blameless before God.  


For us too, our greatest need in spiritual.  The good news is that the need has been fully satisfied.  For He is more than able to supply every need in every realm.   His authority knows no bounds!

What are you stressing about today? 

What are your needs?

How do those needs compare to your salvation?

Rejoice over your salvation today!  Praise God for His gift of Jesus and His authority over every realm. We can trust that He can supply every need. 


Father in heaven, You have authority over all the universe. Every molecule is yours to command. You have chosen to use Your authority and power to rescue Your servants and we are forever grateful.   Let our minds not be anxious, but instead let us rejoice in salvation and trust in Your majesty, dominion and authority, now and forever more.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!





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All For Him Wed, 18 Jan 2017 11:00:44 +0000 Jesus is involved in every aspect of creation. The phrase that hit me today is “All things have been created THROUGH Him and FOR Him.” 

THROUGH Him tells me he is a hands on creator with intimate and unlimited knowledge of His creation. The amazing part of this is that in having all of that knowledge, even of our sin, He still wants to have a relationship with us. He was still willing to be sin Himself to rescue us and reconcile us to our Father in heaven. What love!!!

With all the messages bombarding us about living for ourselves sometimes it’s hard to grasp and live out the FOR Him part. If I was created for Him, it means that my life is not my own but was created to surrender to the One who rescued me from sin and death to do with as He pleases. Surrender all today and live for Him!   #capturedandloved

I marvel at the perfect plan of God that gives us free will and yet at the same time demonstrates His sovereignty over every cell in the universe.  Not even death escapes His Lordship.  Praise God-For we have all clearly seen that if God is for us who can be against us!!!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


You Are The Light Of The World Sun, 08 Jan 2017 12:16:29 +0000 It stands to reason that if God is light:

“This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.”  

~ 1 John 1:5 NASB

And we are children of God:

“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,” 

~ Romans 8:16 NASB

Then we are children of light:

“for you are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;” 

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:5 NASB

Light cannot be hidden; it overcomes darkness every time they meet.  You are that light to generations in darkness.  You bring the light of Christ wherever you go.  Make the most of every encounter you have. 

Seek to love and serve way beyond what is expected and when you you grab the attention of those on the receiving end, point all the glory to the your loving Father in heaven.  For He has made you to shine His light before men that they may see these amazing acts of love and light and give Him glory!

Who are those people around you that need some love and light today?  Is it the person who comes alone to church and tries to sneak in and out unnoticed? Or the single mom who’s barely making it? Or the guy who’s destroyed his family with his drinking problem? Or perhaps it’s the woman who is successful in all her ventures but has no time for God.  Go the extra mile to reach out to them. 

Set aside your plans to get more done on this Sunday and enjoy being the light you were called to be. Watch faces light up as you love and serve.  Be intentional to extinguish every shadow of darkness, in every corner of every life!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove

Make sure to share and add these hashtags above and join me in spreading the love and good news of Jesus.  


Note: All Bible quotes are taken from the New American Standard Bible offered by unless otherwise stated.

Love Over All Mon, 02 Jan 2017 12:08:00 +0000 Without love, all the power and ability in the world is useless. God has given us gifts and abilities for the purpose of glorifying him by knowing, living, and speaking His Truth in Love. The Gospel itself is the greatest good news about love we could ever hear.  

Like abilities, knowledge by itself is useless. Paul wrote knowledge puffs up but love builds up. Elsewhere he prays that their love abounds in real knowledge and discernment (Phil 1:9) and results in righteousness.  

Jesus made the bold reframing of love as the greatest commandment and challenged us to even love our enemies.  As followers of Christ, we are to love and be known by self-sacrificing love.  

How are you going to demonstrate this kind of love in 2017?

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruth

Make sure to share and add these hashtags above to get the word out to as many friends as you can!

