Disciple – Brian Friedl https://brianfriedl.com Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:06:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 64732294 Serve Your Neighbor https://brianfriedl.com/serve-your-neighbor/ Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:06:47 +0000 https://brianfriedl.com/serve-your-neighbor/

Love, Serve, and Disciple

As I shopped for a few odds and ends yesterday, I saw some fear and panic on faces as they gazed upon empty shelves of toilet paper.

I also saw compassion and people helping one another. It was as if two choices were present right before my eyes.

Will we trust God and continue on our mission to love, serve, and disciple others? Or, will we turn inward, withdraw and be lost in the realm of self-focus and hoarding?

Take time today to focus on those around you who may have a need. This will require you to intentionally take your eyes off your self and serve.

In the midst of difficult circumstances, love goes a long way. In the midst of favorable conditions, likewise, love goes a long way. May we be found to be loving in all cases that the Lord may be glorified and His people blessed.




The Truth About Making Disciples https://brianfriedl.com/the-truth-about-making-disciples/ Sat, 27 May 2017 11:44:06 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/the-truth-about-making-disciples/ Two weeks ago I handed over lawncare of our 3 acres to one of my sons.  A couple of years ago, it felt like I would never get there.   I can’t tell you how many times I showed him how to mow around a tree and in a straight line.  I even went as far as to draw with permanent marker on the mower hood on where to line up with the previous row cutting line.  

I originally started him with the old riding mower we had so if he damaged anything we wouldn’t be out any money.  We fixed it together and off he went mowing what looked like wheat circles.  Often times I would go back outside after he was in bed and clean up all the missed spots.  I have to admit it was tiring and frustrating.  Why couldn’t he just now a straight line?

It struck me this morning that making disciples is a similar process.  You start with the basics and work your way into more complex territory. There are days in the process where it feels like they will never get it.  We must continue to invest in good times and not so good.  There will be times when your disciples will completely blow it.  What you do in those moments matter! 

I’m happy to report that as I look across the lawn, it looks amazing.  After two years of investment and praying I’m finally free to trust the task will be completed.  

What lessons were learned?

  1. Your investment matters – we all need to be disciples and to disciple others
  2. Don’t give up, your disciple needs you – as tempting as it is to throw in the towel.  Stick with it!
  3. We are like this with our Father in heaven.  We just can’t seem  to walk a straight line and keep away from that sin.  He continues to invest and guide us  back to the path. 


Who are you investing in right now?

Keep your eyes on Christ and your heart doing His work in the lives of others. 


Father help us to not grow weary as we disciple others to disciple others.  May Your love compell us to finish what we started. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

How To Change The World in 3 Steps https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-change-the-world-in-3-steps/ https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-change-the-world-in-3-steps/#comments Mon, 23 Jan 2017 12:18:50 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/how-to-change-the-world-in-3-steps/ This weekend I was driving the 15-passenger family van home from Wisconsin, when my daughter questioned me about whether we were going to help this homeless person on the street. I scanned the street to determine her location and excitedly answered “Yes!” Quickly, I asked for two sandwiches we had made for the trip and a bottle of water then glanced over my shoulder and made my move across a busy lane of traffic  pulling up next to her.  She seemed a little unsure so I motioned for to her to come over. When she saw the homemade sandwiches in my hand, her face lit up.  I shared “May God bless you”.  “God bless you too” she replied. It was only a moment shared, but as I looked at her weathered face, I could see the love had been received. Traffic had already backed up, so I was on my way.

The top 2 questions I get asked are, “How do I share my faith?” And “How do I change the world?” This would often be called our testimony.  While each person has there own unique story that needs to be told, the substance of the story is really God’s rescue mission of us.  You can attend classes, seminars, and workshops that help you formulate a plan and craft your story, and that’s great;   However, people really want to see the impact your relationship with God has had on you.  We can have the greatest story in the world and without action it is just another story. 

There were hundreds of cars passing by this woman on the street with drivers looking away assuming someone else will help or citing how “these people” are making thousands of dollars per year.   Did she need words or judgement in that moment?   My daughter saw that she was hungry physically and spiritually.  Our testimony is not only words but also actions.  There are 3 actions that come to mind that communicate our faith and change the world. 


What really has the power to grab our attention, cast out fear and cover a multitude of sins? Only love. Love has the power to do something that the 4 spiritual laws can’t. It pierces the depths of a person’s soul and shatters the need and notions of performance, leaving us to make a decision to fully trust our beautiful Savior or still cling to our own efforts. You want to share your faith? Then bathe in the Father’s love and love others with that same love. 


Serving others is something all of us can do.  You don’t have to have the right words.  One of the most powerful ways we tell our story is by loving others through acts of service.  It can be as simple as holding the door for someone or sharing a smile with them. The are literally hundreds of ways to serve.  Connect with your Pastor and ask where service is needed.  Don’t be surprised if he says taking out the trash. No job is too small.    Jesus found it pleasing to wash His disciples feet.  Serving is contagious and is a catalyst for more acts of service, but more importantly, it is part of sharing our faith with others and changing our world. 


I don’t want to make light of your personal testimony.  You know who and what you were before you had an encounter with Christ.  You also know what God has done since.  Praise Him for all of His work!    You can share that story without a ton of prepwork. This story needs to be told, but we don’t have to run from person to person with a drive thru version making sure we get a confession from them. 

Be willing to invest the time to bring others along with you on your journey. Share with them the areas  where God has taught you.  We are commanded to teach others to observe all that he commanded us.  This implies that we are applying and learning these commands ourselves.  Discipleship takes time. It means walking with others, helping pick them up when they fall down.  You may experience disappointment, sadness and grief.  

So there you have it. You want to share your faith and change the world?  Be ready to invest and start loving, serving, and discipline today.  You may have the opportunity to only do one of these steps with someone you meet, but in all things be about Your Father in heaven and His work.  For He has done a mighty work in you; share it in word and deed!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


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Your Mission Is Clear https://brianfriedl.com/your-mission-is-clear/ Tue, 27 Dec 2016 12:41:50 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/your-mission-is-clear/   If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, your mission is clear.  There are no age, gender, or socioeconomic requirements.  If you have surrendered your life to God, trusting completely in the person and work of Jesus, you are a disciple maker.

Yes this may look different from everyone else in how you carry that out because you have been given specific gifts, skills, roles, activities, attributes, and experiences.  These are all to be used when making disciples and bringing God glory.

I love how this section of scriptures wraps up.  “And lo, I will be with you even to the end of the age”. God has not asked you to run a rogue mission.  He is right by your side as you learn what the mission is and carry it out.  As a matter of fact not only is He beside you, but the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in you.

You have everything you need to carry out this mission successfully.   So let’s go love, serve and disciple today!
