Christian living – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:20:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Weeds Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:20:23 +0000
Sinful Weeds

Lessons From The Garden

A little over 7 years ago we moved to a different acreage and started a garden. The plant in the picture grew near one of our tomato cages and produced beautiful flowers.

Life got a little busy and I didn’t get out as often to handle the cultivating and weeding. When I did return this plant had literally taken over. Almost all of my tomato cages (close to 100) were covered.

I spent hours removing what I originally thought was a beautiful flower. Instead, I was a fast growing weed, that stole my time and choked out what some of the fruit from my garden.

What a great comparison to sin in our lives. Sin presents as a flower when in reality, it is a weed that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy you and the work of your hands.

The best approach is to pull these “weeds” when they are early and small to limit spread and damage. It has been 7 years and each year I see the plant less and less, but I still see it.

It still tries to make a come back, not unlike the sin in our life. It is relentless on this side of life.

We must stand firm and fix our eyes on Christ and walk in the work that has been prepared for us, not letting sin take deep root.




Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!
There will plans offered for individuals and groups.
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He Is Our Hope Thu, 14 May 2020 16:13:43 +0000

So Many Voices. Only One Can Save

There are many voices in life that claim to rescues us, everything from a diet to the government. There is only One who has the power to save.

“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NASB‬‬

In the quiet of the night when we are facing giants, who is my help? God alone.

When I have lost everything and I don’t know where to begin, who will give me strength? God alone.

When I have fallen into sin and despair, who will lift me out of the pit? God alone.

When public servants are not following the constitution and holding its people in fear, who will defeat this enemy? God alone.

Our only hope is Him above all else. We place our faith in Him for all things. We take action based on His word and will.

Praying for each of you today that you would find your hope in Him alone.





Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




He Is Our Peace Mon, 27 Apr 2020 13:31:33 +0000

Peace In Troubled Times

How is it possible to have peace in a time like this?

For this world has much trouble and is in turmoil. There are wars of many kinds; between nations and even in our own hearts and minds.

Jesus is the One who can calm the storms. Even the wind and waves obey Him. For through Him all things were created and will be reconciled.

We can have peace because He has authority over all things and He is good.

When we were lost in sin and without hope, He saw, heard our cries, and answered with His own life.

When we are struggling to provide, He will be our provider.

When our souls are downcast, He will remind us of His many great works of faithfulness.

He is Lord and He is our peace in troubled times. Sing joyfully you Him today and thank Him for His lovingkindness!




Call Out To Him Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:21:04 +0000

He Will Strengthen You

I’ve spoken with several people recently who are struggling. Part of the struggle is coming from striving in their own effort.

For years I thought it best to serve and never ask for help. This often led to pride and struggle.

When we call out to God through prayer, He hears us and answers according to His perfect will.

Though we may not like the answer, He is concerned with making us bold with strength in our soul.

If you’re struggling, call out to Him today. Expect, in faith, that He will strengthen your soul with boldness.

Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!







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Still Living In The Good News Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:14:34 +0000

Easter Is More Than A Day

It’s been over a week since Easter. As I read through Matthew 28 in my Bible today, I wondered how many of us are still running with fear and joy to tell others?

How many of us are living in the good news of Easter every day?

Easter was meant to be a day that changed all other days. It’s not just a holiday. It’s the best news this world has to offer.

Jesus’ payment on the cross was fully accepted to cover our sin. We are free from the bondage of our inquiries forever!

I’d like to challenge to honestly look at what your response has been to this news. Is it radically changing your life daily?

If I asked those closest to you, would they mention your commitment to sharing the good news of Christ?

In chapter 28, we see the fear, joy, excitement, and obedience as these ladies run to tell the disciples what they had seen.

The chapter concludes with Jesus giving his disciples a similar mission.

He instructs them:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”” ~ Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭

It’s your turn to run with fear and joy to tell others.

This mission is possible! Here’s a great set of resources to help you get equipped:







Set Your Mind Fri, 17 Apr 2020 13:26:56 +0000

Flesh Or Spirit

WARNING: Conviction and growth may result.

Have you ever stopped and examined your own life patterns and behavior? Have you pondered and been honest about your real intent behind these actions?

Generally speaking most of us don’t. We might run at a frenetic pace and crash hard or on the opposite end, we might be lethargic and unmotivated. In either case, we tend not to examine our own tendencies.

A great flag to see where our hearts are at is to simply look at our calendar and bank account. Where are we spending two of our greatest resources?.

Is your money and time going to adorn yourself or meet the needs of your neighbor? In a time when people are now jobless, high-risk for travel, and scared, are you assisting them in any way?

Let me interject and say this is not attempt to guilt you into serving or giving. It is a wake up call for you to move toward joy.

When we truly set our minds on walking in spirit and in truth, we take our eyes off of ourselves and see the needs around us. When we give our hearts are in line with their purpose and joy results.

Ask God to show you who can you help today? Then help them. (Simple, right?)




Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




Love And Mission Wed, 08 Apr 2020 13:23:48 +0000

The Passover Meal

Today in the timeline of Holy Week, we see the preparation for Passover and Judas betraying Jesus.

We know this was no surprise to The Lord because he mentions it clearly five verses later, “…one of you will betray me.”

Despite this, Jesus eats the Passover meal with His disciples. It’s important to remember that Peter verbally denies connection to Jesus and the rest abandon Him also once he is arrested.

How could He stand to share a meal with the 12 closest people to Him that would all betray or abandon Him?

I would propose 2 reasons. He loved them unconditionally and He was committed to His mission.

We know from Romans 5:8 the kind of love we are dealing with. It’s the kind of love the reaches into the darkest pit and rescues.

We know His mission in 2 Corinthians 5:21. He is reconciling the world to His Father. This mission included death, even death on a cross.

Because of His love and His commitment to the mission, though we were once in darkness we are now seated at His table in the presence of His glorious light!

Praise God that He didn’t let betrayal stand In the way of His love and mission. We ought to do the same.

Have a blessed Holy Wednesday!




Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




Commit Your Spirit Fri, 27 Mar 2020 13:04:07 +0000

Crucified With Christ

When we hear, “Into your hand I commit my spirit” it reminds us of what Christ said on the cross before He died.

Most of us will not experience crucifixion ourselves and yet the Bible tells us we were crucified with Christ.

The old man in us was put to death and the new man resurrected. Though we forget this at times, His word and children remind us.

Paul instructs us to “present our bodies as a living sacrifice; holy and pleasing to God” (Romans 12:1)

It is a powerful statement to commit your spirit to something. I urge you brothers and sisters to do that today.

Commit your spirit to Christ and do the work that he has commanded you to do (Matthew 28:18-20).

Love,serve, and disciple others with all your time, energy, and resources. This world is not our home. Let’s live like we understand that!

Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!







Serve Your Neighbor Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:06:47 +0000

Love, Serve, and Disciple

As I shopped for a few odds and ends yesterday, I saw some fear and panic on faces as they gazed upon empty shelves of toilet paper.

I also saw compassion and people helping one another. It was as if two choices were present right before my eyes.

Will we trust God and continue on our mission to love, serve, and disciple others? Or, will we turn inward, withdraw and be lost in the realm of self-focus and hoarding?

Take time today to focus on those around you who may have a need. This will require you to intentionally take your eyes off your self and serve.

In the midst of difficult circumstances, love goes a long way. In the midst of favorable conditions, likewise, love goes a long way. May we be found to be loving in all cases that the Lord may be glorified and His people blessed.




No Room For Fear Sat, 14 Mar 2020 16:16:37 +0000

Have Joy And Hope

Lately, all I see is fear and panic. Toilet paper has become the new security blanket. At the root of it all is still the same problem that’s always been there.

Trusting in ourselves will cause us to fear the unknown. When life all depends on us, we will feel the weight of the world and be riddled with the fear of letting ourselves and others down.

On the other hand, when we are confident in what we are believing in (The One True Living God and His provision), we will be filled with joy and peace.

The Holy Spirit will cause you to abound in hope, not in the work of your hands, but instead His. There are no unknowns for God and therefore no need to fear. Nothing escapes His knowledge.

Faith has carried many a human through the toughest of times and the greatest of life’s challenges. Whether facing life without a spouse or storming the beaches of foreign soil in war, the Holy Spirit has and will continue to deliver hope.

Take time today to thank God for His provision. For He rescued us and it is by His hand that He will finish what He began in us. May we live like He is in control because He is!



