Anxiety – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 28 Dec 2019 15:01:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Fear And Promises Sat, 28 Dec 2019 15:01:51 +0000

Do Not Fear

Fear can cripple and hold us back from living out our purpose. God desires for you to intentionally employ your design (vision) to accomplish your mission (Matthew 28:18-20)

God commands us not to fear and then lays out his incredibly powerful promises.

I AM WITH YOU. When God gave us our mission He told us that He would be with us even to the end of the age. It is great encouragement that we are not alone.

I AM YOUR GOD. There are well over 80 places in scripture where the LORD proclaims, “I am the LORD your God..” Why so many? We forget. What is the result? We need not be anxious. He’s over any giant we are facing.

I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU. Our strength has its limits. God can strengthen us far beyond those limits.

I WILL HELP YOU. Not only is the LORD present, He helps us. He carefully infuses His truth and grows us to maturity as He provides for our needs.

I WILL UPHOLD YOU. There are times when we have nothing left. All the wind is out of our sails and we collapse. The LORD catches us and upholds us in the midst of sheer exhaustion.

We need this reminder. Too many times our eyes are fixed on the situation we find ourselves in and not on Him. In fear, we frantically search for our own solution, forgetting God is LORD over all. All things are subject to Him. There is no reason to fear. He commands even the oceans.


Which promise applies most to you right now?






Want a step by step process of how to discover and live out your purpose?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters



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Stress Or Praise? Tue, 21 Jun 2016 12:59:15 +0000 How easy it is for us to be wrapped up in how we are going to make it through this situation today.  This week I’ve been preparing for our annual convention for our business.  My wife left 3 days ago and the week has been a blur of softball, packing for 6, grocery shopping for 12 and more.  I like things to be calm and relaxed so this can sometimes stress me out. Can you relate?

As I was reading this passage I thought to myself, “My most important need is cared for daily for all eternity”. Why am I stressing?  I made an intentional choice to praise God for His provision rather than stress about my situation.  My attitude transformed, my soul rejoiced, and my stress dissolved. Just another example of how we never graduate from the cross.  It’s power goes beyond our salvation to change every part of our journey going forward on his side of life and the life to come!

Personal Reflection

What are you stressing about today? Is it really a bigger deal than your salvation? Jesus bore all your sin that you might have the freedom to glorify Him and truly live a life of joy?  Take some time today reflecting on all that was paid for your freedom and let the praise of God ever be on your lips!

Prayer Focus

Our Rescuer and Redeemer; Mighty God, we shout praises to You and lift Your great name. For you have broken every chain and set our souls free!  None of our enemies can stand before You.  You scatter them like ashes in the wind. Who can condemn us when we are covered by the blood of Jesus. We praise you for the Gift of Your righteousness in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

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How To Have Peace In The Storm Thu, 26 May 2016 10:47:58 +0000   

How quickly our emotions can shift. An anxious thought is like lighting a whole pack of firecrackers on the Fourth of July.  The overwhelming noise can consume us. 

Anxiety; however,  is no match for the peace and joy God has for us in Christ.  In the midst of the greatest turmoil, thoughts of Him delight straight through to our soul and turn chaos to a sea of tranquility.  

Personal Reflection

You may be thinking: So how do I get some of that or I’ve tried doing that but I’m still anxious.  Here are a few tips that have helped me in times of difficulty. 

You are not alone – God has promised that He will not leave you nor forsake His inheritance.  Sometimes anxiety is driven by the lie that we have to do it all by ourselves.  Here’s an experiment. Request to join our Journey In Prayer Facebook group and post a prayer request.   You will quickly see you’re not alone!

Cling to His Word – His Word has the power to transform our hearts in an amazing way. To give hope where there is none.  It is the truth that has stood the test of time. It brings life into any situation.  As quickly as our emotions can overwhelm us in anxiety so God’s Word can settle us into a place of peace. 

Worship & Praise – Notice when the Psalmist has trouble seeing God, he returns to the truth of His Word and gives Him praise.  Worshipping God for all He has done is medicine for your soul.  Feeling anxious?  Sing to the LORD and thank Him for all He has done in your life and praise Him for what He will do.  The greatest songs of praise are not on the radio, but the ones that burst forth from your heart to your Father in heaven.  Praise Him as He deserves; with your whole heart!

Prayer Focus

Father in heaven, help us when we look at the waves instead of looking into your eyes filled with love. Help us to fix our eyes on you and to remember all of what you’ve done.  For you are mighty and hear our cries. Nothing is impossible with you.  Remind us that you are with us, may your Spirit that lives in us Bring all things into rememberance from Your Word, and may we praise you today in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

Who Are We Praying To? Wed, 18 May 2016 13:34:37 +0000 Our LORD is great and greatly to be praised! His voice is powerful. From creation, through the flood, and present day, He is King over all.  Our minds can hardly wrap around this truth.  Nothing is impossible with Him.  From the microscopic to the monterous; all the universe; He holds it all together.

This is the same God who gives us strength and peace.  There is no need to fear or worry, God is for us.  He chose to use His power to satisfy the law and to bring an eternity of peace for us.  What a mighty God we serve!

Personal Reflection

Do we really believe that nothing is impossible for God?  If we are honest we have all prayed prayers that were not specific because we were fearful they wouldn’t be answered.  Or sometimes we just avoid praying all together. The LORD is mighty in power and can do all things.  We ought to pray, boldly trusting Him.  Whether He chooses to grant what we ask is obviously up to Him.  Sometimes we give up asking because He hasn’t answered according to our will, but His and we don’t see the answer as a result.  Don’t let any of this stop you from asking your Father in heaven. What bold prayers need to be prayed today? Let’s pray them!

Prayer Focus

Father, we confess that we don’t ask sometimes because we are afraid you won’t answer.  Help us in our unbelief.  Give us the courage to pray bold prayers. We pray for our nation, we see our wickedness and we cry out to you asking for revival.  May we see our need and come running.  Change our hearts to desire only you. Teach us to walk in your ways. We will praise you forever, in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

#prayboldly #powerfulprayers #truthtalk4life


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How To Conquer Anxiety Wed, 11 May 2016 10:16:53 +0000 When anxiety makes a bid for our souls and its grip tightens, it is clear that our eyes have wandered from the source of our help. For if our eyes were rightly on the LORD, we would have been found delighting in His consolations.  We need not fret or worry, we simply need to return our glance to the one who holds all things in His grasp.

Anxiety is not a place you want to stay. Too many of us when faced with challenges spend too much time figuring out what we are going to do instead of looking for what God is teaching us. One of the lessons He continues to teach is that He is our rock and refuge.  We clearly see this theme over and over again in the Psalms.  When the psalmist is being pursued on all sides and anxiety is creeping in, he turns to the LORD reminds himself of the truth of who God is and His mighty works.

The LORD brings peace where there is turmoil, strength where there is none, and life where there is death. May you turn to Him today.

Personal Reflection

What are you most prone to be anxious over?  Is it possible that God is asking you to trust Him with that?   God’s Word reminds us of the truth of His faithfulness, love, and mighty works.  If you’re not in His Word meditating daily, you are setting yourself up for anxiety and a crash of anxiety.  Get a reading plan from or a paper copy somewhere.  Get a good study Bible, read, and meditate on it today!  Begin in the gospels (John, Mark, Matthew, or Luke and move on to Acts and Psalms and see how God overcomes adversity and anxiety.

Prayer Focus

Father, meet us in our deepest anxiety and remind us who you are.  For even the wind and waves obey you. Nothing is outside the realm of your control.  Where we have doubt, replace it with faith.  For we believe; help us with our unbelief.  Let our minds be fixed on you continually and may our lips be filled with praise.  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

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