
Your Mission Is Clear

  If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, your mission is clear.  There are no age, gender, or socioeconomic requirements.  If you have surrendered your life to God, trusting completely in the person and work of Jesus, you are a disciple maker.

Yes this may look different from everyone else in how you carry that out because you have been given specific gifts, skills, roles, activities, attributes, and experiences.  These are all to be used when making disciples and bringing God glory.

I love how this section of scriptures wraps up.  “And lo, I will be with you even to the end of the age”. God has not asked you to run a rogue mission.  He is right by your side as you learn what the mission is and carry it out.  As a matter of fact not only is He beside you, but the Holy Spirit has taken up residence in you.

You have everything you need to carry out this mission successfully.   So let’s go love, serve and disciple today!