Christian livingLove


The older I get, the more I hate sin, the more I desire time with Christ, and the harder I fight to focus on Him.  The world is certainly seemingly more complex, but in reality we struggle with the same things the men and women of old struggled with; distractions for the flesh. 

We suffer from information overload and some of us have allowed ourselves to become entertainment-driven.  Without a device in our hand or movie on the screen we are lost.  Being alone with God has moved off the priority list because now we can binge watch epsisodes of touched by an angel.  

There is no replacement for sweet times of worship with Adonai. We must nurture our love relationship with Him.  As we spend more time with Him, we will be more like Him, including loving the way He loves and our desire to be steadfast in Him will increase. 


Set aside 30 min. to have sweet worship time in word and song today!


Father, thank you for Jesus, that we can come into Your presence and enjoy You, Our Almighty God.  Help us to remove distraction and worship You as You deserve and bring a You glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen!