
Who do you live that I am?

As a Christian, we have a tendency to bombard our selves with the question of “Am I doing the right things?”.  Christ on the other hand has a different way of looking at the same issue.  He asks, “Who do you say and live that I am?”;  A strange question that even grammatically doesn’t sound quite correct.

You see Jesus cares about our relationship and identity in Him.  He is forever wanting us to see where we are in our relationship.  He knows that our actions & desires will follow identity. I’m reminded of this when He asked His disciples who do people say that I am and who do you say that I am?.

I believe when Jesus communicated to Peter that he would deny Him, He intended to reveal this principle to Him, not to discourage him, but to remind Him, it is about a real relationship with a real Savior and Peter was still relying on himself rather than the Lord .  He was trying to do good things rather than fully submit to Christ and His finished work.  He simply wants us to see our need for Him and genuinely pursue our relationship and identity in Him.  We desire to “do good things” because we are in Him, right?

So I ask the question of myself and to you.  Are we really living that God is who He says He is?  Do we really believe that He is Lord over all, that He can calm the seas with His hands..that nothing is impossible with Him?  Are we enjoying His presence daily or worrying about what we are supposed to be doing?  I shout Yes!  Let’s not worry about managing our actions, but draw near to our Lord and Savior who has power over our heart’s desires.



6 thoughts on “Who do you live that I am?

  1. The hard part is stepping outside of my own control and trusting that everything will be in place to allow God showcase his love and mercy to us.

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