Christian livingLoveRelationship

What’s More Important Than Looking Good On The Outside?

I grabbed my camera quickly as I often do to capture the beautiful scenery for the next day’s post before I lost the opportunity. This time it was of Canadian geese that had returned to an early spring.   I admired their beauty as I swiftly focused and grabbed the shot.  “Perfect”, I said to myself, “They didn’t even move”

Shortly after taking the photo something seemed odd.  Geese are incredibly loud creatures and I hadn’t heard even one make a noise.  As I studied more closely, I noticed that they appeared to be dead and frozen to the pond.   My stomached dropped.  How sad! The timeless and pristine photo I captured, though it looked like it was teaming with life, was actually a picture of a gravesite.  

Sadly, this reminded me there are several people who on the outside appear to be some pretty amazing believers; when in reality their hearts are still dead in their trespasses.  While their lips honor and build up, their hearts are far from the One through whom all things were created.  They do not seek to surrender, love, and carry out the work of God and their end is the way of death.   

To my relief, I found out later the birds were alive, but the illustration will forever be burned in my brain.  


Examine yourselves honestly to see if Christ is in you.  Do not be found as the man whose lips praise and whose heart detests our Father in heaven.  

Confess to the LORD anything that is separating you from Him.  

Turn from those things and follow hard after God alone!


Father we are guilty of caring more about the outside than the heart.   For You can see all things and You know our hearts.    Draw us to You and make Your thoughts ours.  Let us not be content with just giving You lip service and the doctrines of men, but instead let us run to You, surrendering all of our hearts in Christ’s name Amen!