Christian livingEncouragement

We need a revival

It’s amazing how conversation lately keeps turning to the same question, “What is going on with this world?”  We seem to be moving away from freedom in this country.  We don’t value life.  More and more, people are self-focused and disobedient in regard to parents, governing authorities and God Himself.  Our prisons are bursting at the seams.  Corruption is the norm.  Perhaps we need a revival?

How would this happen?  Who is going to organize this?  Where do we begin? It seems impossible to mobilize something that big.  With all these obstacles, we may be prone to give up before it ever starts.  We tend to focus on the hurdles instead of being ready for revival.  What if we were to focus on being ready for revival rather than worrying about all of the details.

So what should I do to be ready?  Here are some thoughts on how to be prepared:

1.  Reflect – Read back through the gospels and meditate on the price that was paid for our freedom.  It is so true that freedom isn’t free.   For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21).  The full wrath of God was poured out on our Lord and Savior.  The punishment we deserved didn’t just disappear, it was carried out in its entirety, but the recipient was Jesus Christ, not us.  Let that sink in deeply.  You are a transgressor and yet you have been pardoned. Reflection should bring us to a place of love.

2. Submit – What would you be willing to do for someone who saved you in this life?  You would be in great debt to them and most likely would go to great lengths to show your appreciation.  How much more should our response be to the one who has saved us for all eternity?  I think Romans 12:1-2 sums it up nicely.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice…that’s our spiritual worship. What would our lives look like if we fully submit them to God? What would others’ lives look like if we gave over our thoughts, our dreams, our belongings, our finances, our families to God for His use?  What if we were willingly living in subjection to Him and doing whatever He wanted us to?

3. Read/Hear – If faith comes by hearing and hearing through the Word of Christ.  We need to be intentional about hearing God’s Word.  For now, we have unhindered access to our Bibles.  We are blessed and surrounded by Christian Radio, CD’s, and devices that hold the entire word of God in multiple translations.  We, more than any people group in History have access to God’s Word.   Let’s immerse ourselves in it as often as we are able.

4. Pray – Spend time with God in prayer also.  Your Heavenly Father is someone to be revered and enjoyed.  Prayer is one of the ways that we draw near to Him, cry out to Him, and hear His voice.  Pray for those God puts in front of you day in and day out.

5. Study deep with other believers – Choose your closest friends carefully.  Surround yourself with those who desire to know Christ more and live His word.  Pick those who are humble and not afraid to admit their weakness and need for Christ.  Pray that God would reveal to you those who will pray for you and love you through your hardest times. A true friend cares about where you are with your relationship with Christ.

6. Walk – Engage the world and invest in the lives of others.  You can guarantee that as you invest in others’ lives, you will be hurt, disrespected, and ignored.  However, you may also be encouraged, thanked, and overjoyed at times.  One of the best ways to share the gospel is to live it in your everyday walk.  Love your neighbor.

We will not see a true revival through government reform, it begins with each of us as we turn our hearts completely over to God.  Will you turn and fully rely on Him today?

#revival, #followjesus, #beginswithyou