Christian livingLoveUnity

Walk Worthy In The Spirit

Ephesians 4 is one of my favorite chapters in all of scripture. The beautiful unity of the church at large has always intrigued me.  Regardless of gender, age, socio-economic class, ethnicity, or any other possible division, there can be oneness in love.

It’s also no surprise that we also see fruit of the Spirit mentioned.  Our walk and forebearing with one another requires us to walk in the Spirit. Unity requires diligence to preserve it.  There is work involved.  Damage happens in any body of believers. Forgiveness and forebearance are necessary. Remember, even the disciples argued over greatness.

We must walk in a manner worthy of our calling…We must walk in the Spirit, in love, forebearing with one another, preserving unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Personal Reflection

It’s necessary that we are part of a local body of believers and this is just one reason.  How do we learn to forbear with one another if we are not together?   It’s easy to get along with someone you never have to spend time with, but then we are never challenged to grow either.  

You may have been hurt by a congregation that did not live this passage out. I can certainly empathize as I have been hurt as well. I have come to find that we cannot let the failure of man keep us from living the truth of God. 

Find a bible-believing church to attend this week.  God wants to grow you in love and unity.

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, no where have we seen this passage more true than with you.  You have been so patient in your love and have jealously desired the Spirit which you have made to dwell in us. Please keep us walking in your spirit that we may walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have called us.  We pray this in the powerful Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen!


#walkworthy #walkintheSpirit #truthtalk4life