Christian livingMissionObedience

Turn Aside And See

God has a way of getting our attention. Whether that is through trial or miracle, He is always giving us an opportunity to acknowledge Him.

Moses had a choice in that moment.  He could have, in fear, moved onward and not turned aside. Or assumed he was seeing things.  Notice that he had to leave his path and look to what the Lord was showing him.  Said another way, he had to surrender his plan to investigate what the LORD was up to.

Personal Reflection

Think back to when you first surrendered your life to God through Christ.  How did He get your attention?  In what way did you turn aside from your journey to see what God was doing?

If not kept in check, our flesh naturally returns to charting our own course and once again leaving God on the sideline.  You don’t need a burning bush to return to Him.  May this simple reminder be a light to you today.   Turn aside, and look to what He is showing you today and brace yourself for an amazing mission!

Prayer Focus

LORD and Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob may we turn aside today to see what you are showing us. May we not make excuses but freely embrace the mission you have for us.  For our course cannot compare to what you have marked it for us.  Let us obey you out of love in the Name of Christ, Amen!





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