Christian livingForgivenessHolinessHopeProvisionRepentance

There Is Always Hope

The promise of God’s ear inclined to us when we turn to Him, is the thread of hope in the midst of the battle.  As hard as we try in or human efforts, we fall and sometimes hard causing damage we regret for many days, months, and years to come.

“But God”; two words that interrupt this cycle of sin and provide hope.  But God, in His great faithfulness and mercy, hears us when we see the mess we’ve made and turn back to Him and cry out.  He has made a provision for every stumbling, for every transgression.  For the blood of Jesus has washed every stain you have ever caused to be white as the purest untouched snow in the most beautiful of places.  He has the power to redeem every situation no matter its complexity.

You are declared clean when you put your faith in God’s provision of Jesus and His finished work at the cross.  When God looks at you He sees the righteousness of His Son. You are no longer held captive, but instead are free to live a life in the Lord. Will you stumble again?  Most likely. Don’t waste your time beating yourself up. Acknowledge your weakness, mourn your sin, turn and cry out. For He will hear your cry.

Personal Reflection

By all means learn from your mistakes but remember:  Every moment spent beating yourself up over your bad choices is a moment you miss gazing at our beautiful LORD and sharing Him with others.  Your eyes can only be fixed in one place.  Make sure they are on Him!

When your eyes are focused on Him you will want more of Him.  God speaks of loving Him and keeping His commands in that order.  Commandment keeping flows as a by product of loving Him.  Let the passion of your love grow by leaps and bounds!

Prayer Focus

Precious LORD, we confess to you that have have all stumbled and strayed and made messes in our lives.  Help us to turn from any wickedness that impedes our view of you.  Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus that our love for you may overflow.  Thank you for hearing our cry, sustain us by your hand of grace that we may do Your will, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!