Christian living

The Power Of Love

As a kid growing up in the 70’s and 80’s, I played with my share of super hero figures.  Superman, Batman,  Robin…You name it!   I aspired to be a man of such great character like them.  Changing the world forever and fighting for good.  

Last night, I watched the new DC movie Wonder Woman.  I was surprised and blessed as the wrap up and moral of the movie emphasized the power of love.  For it has the power to break through and conquer anything.  For a few moments I was transported back to a time when I viewed the world differently; I viewed it with hopeful eyes and ideals. 

While those superheroes are from the minds of men, there is one all powerful Superhero that is eternal and the creator of man.  And what is His command to us?   The we should love our Father in heaven with everything that we are; heart, soul, and mind.  For all of the law hangs on the commandments to love Him and our neighbor.  

Love has the power to bring obedience, cast out fear, and pierce the depths of any darkness.  For through love the greatest battle was fought, and victory obtained.  For we are no longer dead in our trespasses but we have been made alive in Christ! All because of the action of love. 

As superheroes of reconciliation, our greatest weapon is love.  For we must learn to wield it without restraint.  For out of the love of Christ, our love grows.  For it was designed to consume all that we are that we may be used as a soldier in the battle for souls. If only we would allow this love to guide our words and actions moment by moment.  


Compliance and obedience are not one in the same.  Compliance seeks to satisfy the external requirement; where obedience is driven by love from the inside out.  

Take an honest look at your heart. Are you attempting to be compliant with God’s law or is there a desire and hunger birthed out of love that delights in His law?  Are you going through the motions or do you have a passionate force of love leading the affections of your emotion, will, and thought?


Father, we pray that our hearts, souls, and minds would be filled with a love for you. May our satisfaction be complete in Your love and the return of it to You.  Use us to full measure to bring that love to the eyes, ears, and lives of our neighbors.  Let our worship of You be genuine and true; filled with Your powerful love for all eternity.  in Jesus’ name, Amen!