Christian livingDisciplineForgiveness

The Blessing Of Discipline


It’s been a heavy soul work week. I’ve been struggling to forgive someone for quite some time and His Word was disciplining me.  I don’t even know if this person knew I was struggling with forgiving him.  I had tucked it down deep and hid it even from myself in a lot of ways.  As It rose to the surface, I thought to myself the discipline from God’s Word has been blessing me for close to 28 yrs now.  Yes I said blessing. For we know that God disciplines who He loves and that truly is a blessing.  

As our Heavenly Father, He continues to patiently, lovingly, and sometimes firmly remind us where we are out of step with Him. I’m so thankful for His corrective hand that draws me closer to Him and conforms me to the image of Christ, and teaches me how to live in the body of Christ. 

Personal Reflection 

Are you welcoming God’s discipline through His word?  Even if it is from someone you don’t get along with?  God’s word is truth regardless of who is sharing it.  Ask God to open your eyes to see where you are out of step and need correction and then receive that correction joyfully. 

Prayer Focus

Father, we praise you that you know everything about us, and you still love and patiently convict us by your Truth.  We confess that we get out of step with you.  We praise you that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness.  Thank you for granting forgiveness and helping us to forgive.  Lead us into obedience in Jesus’ Name, Amen!