
The 3 G’s of the Christian life – Day 3

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Gratitude is our third G.  While we liked to be called grateful, in reality it’s easy for us not to be.  It takes work to consciously focus on Christ and gratefully worship Him. 


When we do; however, we find that we are humbled by the majesty and power of our Savior and become totally at peace with Him receiving all the glory.  This draws us to a place of unhindered worship that can make a grown man overwhelmed with tears


At the same time, our guilt and grief opens our eyes to the riches of His glorious grace. Making know the great gift that was bestowed upon us at the cross. Our hope abounds in the truth that one day we will spend an eternity with our loving Father, His Son, and Holy Spirit.  Even as I type this, I’m filled with joy thinking about how the days will be spent. 

Surrender your life today, take up the three G’s and live for the one who died for you