Christian livingEncouragement

Practice Truth, Live In The Light

john 3 20-21









Brothers and sisters, we are deceived if we believe that we can live with a little darkness. Scripture tells us the following about God:

  1. For God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5b)
  2. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24)

If we love God, let us run from darkness into the light.  For today’s passage clearly states that anyone who does evil (darkness) hates the light (God)  and does not come into the light, that his darkness may be exposed.  Friends there is no fence riding with God. We must abandon the idea that we can manage our sin.  For sin cannot be managed and results in hatred toward God.  Participating in darkness causes us to question our identity as a child of God and produces a desire to hide, just as it did with Adam in Eve in the garden.  Praise God for our advocate in Jesus Christ as the depths of this truth penetrates us and transforms us to lovers of light.

I love the contrast found in verse 21.  “But he who practices the truth comes into the light that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God”.  Notice the focus is not on self, but glorifying God.  We don’t walk in the light so that other see that we are doing so.  Instead we care about the very name of God and bringing Him glory and honor, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice that others may see how amazing our God is. Obedience is an extension of love and worship.  When we choose to rightly take our eyes off of ourselves, focus on Christ, worship Him, and practice truth, two things happen

  • We realize all we need has already been given to us in Jesus.  Darkness cannot draw anyone in who believes they have everything they need in the light.
  • We are not afraid of the light, but instead rejoice in it as we know that it brings honor and glory to God.  1 John 1:7  reminds us that if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His son cleanses us from all sin.

So where are you at this morning?  Are you trying to manage a little darkness in your life? Have you been trying to hide from the light because of one area of your life?  Are you feeling disqualified as an ambassador of Christ? What is holding you back from believing that what God provided in Christ was everything you needed?

Lord God, we pray this morning that you would help us in our unbelief.  Remind us of the countless times that you have provided for your people.  Specifically, help us to grasp the magnitude of your complete provision in Christ for us.  Transform our hearts to worship and glorify you.  Give us a desire to LIVE(practice) the Truth in the light. Remove any obstacles that we have allowed to hold us back from trusting in your complete provision, in the Name of Jesus, Amen!