Christian livingContentmentPeace

Peaceful Presence

Wow! What a powerful verse!  So many times we can live in turmoil and anxiety simply because our focus and trust is incorrectly placed. Ccc Furthermore we can miss the very presence of God during these situations and trials. 

Not only by thinking on the excellent things of God and practicing them will we have the peace of God, but the very presence of the God of peace will be with us!   Part of practicing is training our eyes to stay fixed on Christ the author and finisher if our faith.  

Why should we be shaken? If we follow the very one who holds all things in his hands.  We need not be anxious, but simply make our requests made known to our loving Father trusting in His answer.  How freeing this truly is!

Personal Reflection

Notice Paul urges them to practice the things:

1.  What was Learned

2. What was Received

3. What was Heard

4. What was Seen in him

So his ministry of what he taught was consistent with what he knew, lived and spoke. So much so that he felt comfortable asking others to see the Christ in him and practice that living.  

This is challenging as I continue to practice walking closely with Christ.  If I’m honest with myself, there are days where I wouldn’t want anyone to watch and imitate what I’m doing. 

How does this truth move in your heart to desire change in yourself? Again don’t be anxious about it, bring even this to your Loving Father trusting in Him to bring you to this place of maturity 

Prayer Focus

God Almighty, we want to be like Paul, knowing, living, and speaking the truth.  Our only hope is you.  As we open our lives for others to see may they see the work of your love in a sinner’s heart that they may have hope in you also. Teach us to surrender and to do your will; all to the glory of Christ, Amen! 


#practicelivingforGod #Christinme #truthtalk4life