Christian livingLovePatience

Patient In His Promise

One of the greatest characteristics of our LORD is His patience.  Where we fret and worry He stands strong and confident; patiently waiting.

There are days when my heart cannot deal with anymore grief and I just want Him to finish His judgement and take me home. I see the corruption, deception, and death all around me and want it to be done.

But then I’m reminded; before I knew the LORD, He was patient with me as I wrestled with scripture versus worldly knowledge. He didn’t hastily cast judgement on my questioning heart.  He patiently revealed Himself to me and continues to do so today. I need His patience each day.

Now that I have kids of my own, I am more thankful than ever that He is patient. It is my desire that every one of my children would know the Lord and live for Him. I am beyond grateful and my lips are filled with praise for every moment He has given me!


Sometimes we want Him to finish this life because we are tired.  Tired of dealing with sin in ourselves and the lives of others.  It may simply be that we have lost sight of where our strength comes from.  We may be tired because we are trying to operate in our own strength rather than Resting in God and his strength.  Turn your eyes to Him and ask Him to use you in His process of salvation to those He is being patient with.  May patience flow from the Spirit He has made to dwell in us.

Prayer Focus

Patient, Almighty Father, we confess to you that we get anxious out of our own striving. Help us to rest in you and find strength and patience to endure. May you come have your way in us and may we find contentment to full measure in you alone.  Thank you for your patience with us.  May we do likewise to all who you place in our path.  Our lips will praise you forever in Jesus Name, Amen!





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