Christian livingMissionObedience

Passionate Plans

There are plenty of things in this life that look great from the outside.  However; where your heart is determines the success of your journey.  God sees more than just your actions. He has insight to your motives.  

When your heart is completely given to Christ and His work you can not fail.  Your plans will be established.  Your mind will be transformed from living your own agenda to living for Him and your life will have meaning and eternal impact. 

Personal Reflection

One of my favorite verses comes only a few after these.  

The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9

If you’re not committing your works to the LORD, prepare for your steps to be reordered.  Here are some thoughts to ponder:

  • What are you most passionate about with regard to the Great Commission?
  • What part of your passion needs to come in line with God’s plan?

Prayer Focus

LORD God, shape our passions according to your perfect plans. Teach us to walk in step with you. Equip us as we commit all our ways unto you. Work in and through us to change the lives of others for all eternity.  We pray these bold prayers in the powerful Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!