Christian livingEncouragementMission

Love Your Enemies…At Least For 12 Days

Love Your Enemies

The sin of enemies always threatens the testimony of God but never has any power to deliver on this threat when love is present. 

It’s easy to forget that we were once an enemy of God threatening the testimony of God in our own life.  We lived as if God wasn’t real, watching, or powerful.  We carried on with our eyes fixed on ourselves obtaining all this world had to offer.  What changed all that?  It was God’s love for us (an enemy) through His Son Jesus, that broke through our foolish thinking and sin.  He revealed the truth in love that we were enemies of God needing a Savior to intercede.  Now we are no longer enemies but children of the living God!

We must guard our eyes and fix them on Jesus so we never forget the testimony of what God has done in our life through His love and mercy.  He simply asks us to do the same for those around us.  It is difficult to stand in the face of an enemy and lend? or in the midst of persecution and ridicule bless?  Definitely…if we try to do that in our own strength.  When we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and remember what He has done for us, everything looks different.  That person no longer looks like an enemy but one who is gripped by THE enemy. 

Today, find someone you feel is an “enemy” to you and be kind.  Find something you can do for them to bless them.  It could be a co-worker, a boss, or even a family member and might be as simple as getting them a cup of coffee or saying good morning.  Better yet commit to 12 days of blessing. (through the end of this month). Seek them out and bless them each day for the next 12 days and see the power of God’s love move in an amazing way.  For the sake of all reading this, come back and comment what you see God doing through love.


May God bless you as you seek to KNOW, LIVE, and SPEAK the Truth!!!

#truthtalk4life #loveyourenemies #bemerciful