Christian livingGlorifyLove

Love Over All

Without love, all the power and ability in the world is useless. God has given us gifts and abilities for the purpose of glorifying him by knowing, living, and speaking His Truth in Love. The Gospel itself is the greatest good news about love we could ever hear.  

Like abilities, knowledge by itself is useless. Paul wrote knowledge puffs up but love builds up. Elsewhere he prays that their love abounds in real knowledge and discernment (Phil 1:9) and results in righteousness.  

Jesus made the bold reframing of love as the greatest commandment and challenged us to even love our enemies.  As followers of Christ, we are to love and be known by self-sacrificing love.  

How are you going to demonstrate this kind of love in 2017?

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruth

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