Christian livingLove

Love Even The Sparrow

On my way up to Minneapolis recently, I noticed a lifeless mass on the side of the road up ahead. As I drew closer, my heart sank as I discovered it was the body of a bald eagle.  Feelings of injustice sprouted over this majestic masterpiece now expired. 

Within seconds the Holy Spirit challenged me to ask myself the question, “Would I feel the same way about a sparrow?”  For a sparrow is not nearly as strong, beautiful, nor majestic and yet God cares for the sparrow as he cares for us. 

Our minds have a way of leveling based on what we feel is important.  We may be inclined to think an eagle is more important than a sparrow because they are bigger, more powerful, or more interesting.  But God’s ways are higher than ours and His thoughts higher also.  For He loves all in Hus care. 

For we are not strong or majestic and if we are honest, our sins crowd out any beauty that God has placed in us, yet He cares for us.  Jesus spent His time in ministry healing the sick and loving the broken-hearted.  

I trust that if I do this kind of thinking with birds, I very well might do this with human beings also.  It ought not to be this way. 


In what ways do you treat people differently based on status, appearance, etc?   

Ask God for help to love as he loves, even the sparrows in our lives. 


Heavenly Father, we ask that You would give us Your heart for people. Let us look past imperfections and appearances to carry out your work of love through the gospel.  In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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