Christian livingLoveSacrifice

Love And Sacrifice

Love is a word that gets thrown out there for everything from people to peanut butter.  While its definition hasn’t changed, it’s uses have. If we were to look how we use the word love today, it might more closely resemble lust.  It casually rolls off our tongue requiring little effort of thought as has more to do with our wants than its purpose. 

Let us not be fooled.  Love is often paired with sacrifice on purpose as it is here.  Love is sacrifice. Ask any husband or wife that been married 20 plus years what love is and they may just say, “sacrifice” or “putting the other person first.”  I once heard, “love is choosing the best for someone else regardless of the circumstances it creates for you”.  Yep that sounds like marriage and parenting!

Of course there is no place this truth is more powerfully displayed than the cross.  What would it take for Jesus to leave His throne to come die for sinners who had rejected and disregarded Him…Love and sacrifice.  Without the Father’s mercy and compassion to reach down, were would we be?   Without the sacrifice of His son, there would be no hope. 

Praise God for His steadfast love and willingness to humble Himself and endure even death on cross for me. Iwill choose to love with sacrifice for those He has placed in my path. What will you do?

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove

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