AdoptionChristian living

In His Name

One of the things I teach all my children is that they carry our family’s name wherever they go.  Our name is about honesty, love, respect, diligence,  integrity, forgiveness, mercy, and more. When we go places, their behavior reflects that name.  They can choose to uphold the character I want connected with our name or can choose to defame it. No matter the choice Our family’s name is impacted. 

This is not unlike when we become a Christian and are adopted into God’s Family. We take on a new name when our identity changes.   We now are ambassadors for Christ carrying His Family name.  Every action and every step should be for  His glory.  It is an honor to uphold the marvelous name of the God who rescued us at such a cost,  I want whatever I do in word or deed to be done in His great name. 


Have you forgotten that you are an ambassador for Christ?

Do you desire to do all n His name?

Meditate first thing in the morning on what He has done for you each day for a week.  Journal whether that impacts how you represent His name.  


Father, we confess that we forget the power and privilege we have in Your name.  Help us, LORD, to align every word and action in accordance with Your great name.  Amen!