
Humbled Dependent And Prepared

Late in the summer of 1989, I was at Young Life’s Frontier Ranch in Colorado, listening to a man share about the week leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.  I was somewhat attentive, but also distracted by a beautiful girl I had met from Lubbock Texas.  After he shared the intense details of what Jesus had endured, I left the session at large and sat out on a fence under the stars.  

I had been trying to hold my life’s pieces together by myself and it seems that I had reached my limit in that moment. More importantly, through the truth shared from God’s word, I had entered into the presence of Jesus Christ. 

I have to admit I was a little caught off guard.  Perhaps that was because, like Paul said, Jesus is light and there is no darkness in Him at all.  Being in the presence of Jesus’ pure holiness causes our darkness to be see clearly.  That night, for the first time, I clearly saw the darkness of my soul; my blatant disregard for my loving Father in heaven, my willful disobedience and self-centeredness.  I felt worthy to be in His presence.  

As Simon (Peter) was cleaning his nets from the unproductive attempts , he likewise had an encounter with Jesus.  Our Lord requested that he put out into deep water and let down the nets again.   I’m sure Peter was tired, frustrated and there may have been a hint of sarcasticastic tone as he speaks to Jesus but obeys.  The nets end up getting filled to full measure so much so that it takes two boats to haul in the catch.  Peter falls at Jesus feet and says “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man!”  

There are three things that stand out to me in this passage about the presence of Jesus. 

HUMBLED- Jesus is light and therefore exposes our darkness.  Peter was humbled. Jesus didn’t comment on Peter’s sin.  He didn’t have to. The powerful presence of His holiness and light revealed that Peter was not worthy to be in His presence. 

DEPENDENT- With God all things are possible. Peter had worked hard all night without any success.  I’m sure he had used years of experience and every trick he knew and yet his hands were empty.  Peter was taught a simple lesson that he would need reminding of later.  We need to be dependent on the Lord, not our own hands, to provide. 

PREPARED – Jesus prepares us for our mission.  Later in the text we see Jesus tell Peter that he will be a fisher of men.  To do this it was necessary that he be humbled and dependent.  As they arrive at shore, a new journey in life began for Peter as he leftbehind everything and followed Jesus. 


I believe those of us who sincerely profess Jesus as Lord must remain humble and dependent as we walk out our mission as fishers of men.  One of the biggest dangers in the Christian life is forgetting the holiness of God and thereby our need of Him. 

Take some time to remember back to when you first understood your sinful nature and your need of Jesus. 

Are you still operating in that humility and dependence?


Father, let us never discount your holiness and think that we are good enough.  May our hearts ever desire to be more obedient and dependent on You.  Hide Your word in our heart that we might not sin against you.  Fuel us by every word that proceeds out of Your mouth as we fish for the men and women You have set in our path.  We lift all this in the powerful and holy name of Jesus, Amen!