AnxietyChristian livingEncouragementPeacePraisePrayer

How To Have Peace In The Storm


How quickly our emotions can shift. An anxious thought is like lighting a whole pack of firecrackers on the Fourth of July.  The overwhelming noise can consume us. 

Anxiety; however,  is no match for the peace and joy God has for us in Christ.  In the midst of the greatest turmoil, thoughts of Him delight straight through to our soul and turn chaos to a sea of tranquility.  

Personal Reflection

You may be thinking: So how do I get some of that or I’ve tried doing that but I’m still anxious.  Here are a few tips that have helped me in times of difficulty. 

You are not alone – God has promised that He will not leave you nor forsake His inheritance.  Sometimes anxiety is driven by the lie that we have to do it all by ourselves.  Here’s an experiment. Request to join our Journey In Prayer Facebook group and post a prayer request.   You will quickly see you’re not alone!

Cling to His Word – His Word has the power to transform our hearts in an amazing way. To give hope where there is none.  It is the truth that has stood the test of time. It brings life into any situation.  As quickly as our emotions can overwhelm us in anxiety so God’s Word can settle us into a place of peace. 

Worship & Praise – Notice when the Psalmist has trouble seeing God, he returns to the truth of His Word and gives Him praise.  Worshipping God for all He has done is medicine for your soul.  Feeling anxious?  Sing to the LORD and thank Him for all He has done in your life and praise Him for what He will do.  The greatest songs of praise are not on the radio, but the ones that burst forth from your heart to your Father in heaven.  Praise Him as He deserves; with your whole heart!

Prayer Focus

Father in heaven, help us when we look at the waves instead of looking into your eyes filled with love. Help us to fix our eyes on you and to remember all of what you’ve done.  For you are mighty and hear our cries. Nothing is impossible with you.  Remind us that you are with us, may your Spirit that lives in us Bring all things into rememberance from Your Word, and may we praise you today in the Name of Jesus, Amen!