
How To Have Joy And Satisfaction

Contentment comes when we are satisfied with something over time.  That something could be material, spiritual, or even a thought or dream. In spite of the best circumstances it still requires a choice to be satisfied.  

One of the challenges to being content is that circumstances are often changing and seemingly not in our favor.  What we put our hope and affections in can leave us lacking.  

While circumstances change, there is One we can trust who will never change, leave or foresake, and certainly never leave us lacking.  God has proven himself as our provider time and time again.  It was He who sacrificed his son and withheld nothing from us while we were still in rebellion.  This act of love and grace has replaced mourning with joy that is unending. I must continue to remember and not let the cares of this world choke out that truth. 

Make it a part of your daily routine to spend a few minutes remembering your life before your relationship with God through Christ.  Recall the feeling of being freed from your sins and rejoice in His lovingkindness. Review all the times Your Heavenly Father has given you hope and answered your prayers. For the day that awaits you will seek to steal that joy. 

 May your joy in Christ be firmly planted in the depths of your heart producing a beautiful tree of contentment that outlasts any storm!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove
