Christian livingGoodnessWisdom

How To Express Wisdom

Wisdom is designed to be expressed.  We are not to just become huge storehouses of wisdom that dispense nuggets when asked.  We are in fact to live out the Godly wisdom we have received. 

And what does it look like?  

Good behavior.  When wisdom from above has its way it results in good behavior. That’s the kind of wisdom I want! How sweet it is when God’s wisdom is experienced by all because one of His children live it out. 

Gentle.  Wisdom is not seeking to be seen as the one who is wise, but instead desires goodness for all its recipients


Get by yourself and ask God to help you examine your intentions. 

Are you desiring true wisdom that is expressed as good to others?

Or are you seeking to be seen as wise?

Are you gentle in wisdom or Do you lord it over others?


Father, humble our hearts and teach us Your wisdom.   Help us to soak it in to the depths of our souls, that it may be the fuel of our good deeds.   May the glory be Yours now and forever more, in Christ, Amen!