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How to end abortion – A new perspective

Yesterday, a good friend and brother in Christ spend time outside of an abortion clinic reaching out to save lives and minister to these precious women. I admire those who back their words with action.  I would love to see abortion end in this country   I think we need a different approach. 

Here are some ideas of how the body of Christ can end abortion

1. Love, pray and invest in those women that are wanting abortion And help them like you would a daughter of your own. Do not look down on or judge them.  Love them.

2. Help provide for financial needs of healthcare, etc. for an expecting mom to ensure a healthy pregnancy for the woman and the child.  Be willing to open your home to help care.

3. Live the word together.  Reach out to those that are hurting with the love of Christ and His word.  Help them to see that they don’t need a man to have value, but that God has given them value in who He has made them to be

4. Consider opening your home for adoption

5..  Teach your children God’s word and pray for God’s mercy for them.  They are in His care.

6. Be an active participant in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)

7. Eradicate poverty in your community as much as your are able by loving and serving the poor.

8. Love God and love others

What if we would wait on the fancy new car and give $$ to the impoverished instead? What if we were to actually invest?

I am convinced we would see the ultimate grass movement of love this nation has ever seen along with a decrease in the number of abortions, families in poverty, and crime.

7 thoughts on “How to end abortion – A new perspective

  1. Love this, Brian.

    My only slightly contradictory response is to the question you pose at the top: “Should legislators not attempt legislation because we suspect it will not pass?” My answer is no, they shouldn’t.

    It’s not that the legislation won’t pass, because in many states it would. But passing legislation is expensive. Legislators don’t “attempt” legislation on their own. There is a disturbing amount of money in politics. Even the staunchest pro-life candidates and legislators need oodles of money to run for re-election, and they’ll happily take it from organizations and individuals in the pro-life movement. And then there are the lobbyists who command handsome fees to communicate with and organize fundraisers for those legislators, and who’s paying those fees? The pro-life movement nonprofits are.

    And once all that money is spent and the legislation passed, there are the legal battles. This is usually taxpayer money spent defending these laws, almost always unsuccessfully. So we end up spending millions of dollars and countless hours with nothing to show for it.

    If you want individuals to forego the shiny new car and invest their money in supporting the impoverished, how about the pro-life movement forego political donations, lobbying and legal defense funds and use all that money to support new mothers and their newborns in poverty? And adoption agencies and medical centers?

    Then the legislators can focus on policies that prevent unintented pregnancy, and policies that prevent poverty. Let’s reduce the need for abortion rather than just making it illegal.

    Thanks for the thought, Brian. God bless.

    1. Thanks Rob! All in all I don’t disagree and definitely think there is enough money being wasted already. I appreciate you reminding me of this reality. My statement was more meant to be an encouragement that we don’t lose the zealousness of protecting life. I believe this battle will ultimately be won in the hearts of men and women, not in the courts anyway. If the hearts of people change, legislation and our entire culture will follow. Blessings to you!

  2. Good advise. This is not about what party you belong to. Its about what God has created and as Christians if we don’t protect them who will.

  3. What has always amazed me, Brian, is that when I walk into a church service, there are not one, two, or more, adopted children or foster childten standing with each strong Christian family. The system is saying, here are children…please take them! I cannot believe the missed opportunities to raise children with the love of Christ so they might know and choose him. Instead, we keep them at arm’s length, try to feed them a verse occasionally while they’re in a program, if we ever see them at all, then try to give them the gospel after they’ve made awful mistakes in their lives, and/or are hardened to listening to the gospel. God, forgive us all for missing hundreds of thousands of opportunities! Thank YOU, Brian, and your wife, for a job well done!

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