Christian livingGoodnessGospel

How To Be The Greatest

I just spent 5 days on a ship with around 1700 professional network marketing men and women from one of the fastest growing companies in the world.  Your first reaction in hearing that maybe throwing up , “Yuck”, or “I hate salesmen”, but I have to say this was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on. 

You see, I knew a little over 1/4 of the people on board and they are not your typical salespeople. Their goal is to serve others. They are not focus ed on their own greatness. On the contrary, they took the time to offer advice and answers my and others questions completely even though they received no personal gain.  

Now I’m sure, if I had met everyone I would have found some self-serving superstar out there in the mix.  But of the 400 I knew and the 50+ new people I met, all of them shared the same mindset of serving others.  This didn’t just make them great but made the whole experience great.  

I’m reminded of the competition the disciples were having of who was the greatest.  Yes, pride snuck in, even with the disciples. Jesus, humbly and patiently taught them that to be great means to be the greatest servant. Certainly He lived His teaching as a foot washing Rabbi who eventually went to the cross for all humanity. 

If anyone deserved to be woshipped and served it was our Savior. While the spot for greatest servant was filled by Jesus, we can still make the most of our time by being a great servant.  There are many in need and you have the means to fill those needs. You are equipped with the gospel, ears to listen, and a mouth to encourage.  Some of you even have money tied up in resources that could be sold. These funds could change the world.  

Think of how the world would be if we were all working to be the greatest servant.  This is how greatness would truly be seen. 


In what ways is pride keeping you from serving unhindered?

Can you explain the Gospel clearly to someone else?

What resources, skills, abilities, gifts, experiences do you have that can benefit others?
Put away your pride and find someplace to go and serve.  This could be at your church, a local food pantry, or even a mission trip.  


Father, Your Son, has taught us rightly that we are Your servants.  We are about Your work; the work of reconciling the world to You through the greatest act of love ever known…the cross. Give us even more opportunities to serve using all You have given us.  Pour us out like a drink offering to the world around us. May Jesus receive all the glory He is due.  In His name we pray, Amen!