Christian livingFaithLoveSacrifice

How Must I Live?

There is an evil present in me that wars against everything godly, pure , and right.  It seeks to convince me that I can have my cake and eat it too.  It often times floods my ear with phrases like “you deserve it”, “go ahead, you are forgiven, you can do whatever you want”, and “Surely God has not asked you to give up everything”

The whisper of God reminds me that I must be all in; not just on the surface, but every square inch and even the deepest parts of my soul must surrender.  If I’m not willing to leave it all behind and follow, I’m not really following Him. Instead, my affections are divided, somehow believing I can bargain with God.  

Following requires complete abandonment of goals, dreams, and desires of everything this side of life. We must lose our life to keep it. Again the dark voice returns to my ear, “that’s a little extreme don’t you think?”  The answer is “Yes!”   

If we want to talk extreme how about we look at what Jesus surrendered for the sake of the Father…for you. 

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

~ Philippians 2:8

‭‭He left behind His deity and surrendered everything, including  His connection to the Father.  One my say that kind of love is extreme.  That kind of obedience is extreme.  The cross was extreme.  


Compared to the cross what are you really giving up?

What do you gain when you give your life completely over to God?

Is not being in the wonderful presence of God for all eternity worth any sacrifice?


Open our eyes to see the full measure of our gift in Christ that we may loose all ties to all things in this life and cling to Him.  Let us rightly lose our life that we may keep it in Him, Amen!

2 thoughts on “How Must I Live?

  1. I’m reading this after the Good Friday service at church, so is very fitting following that.
    Thanks Brian for these devotions – such meaningful thoughts. Now may my actions reflect them.

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