Christian livingEncouragement

How do I change? – The secret of small chunks – Part 2

Before you get started, make sure to go back and read part 1

What change did you spend your 15min focusing on yesterday? Was it more time with God, a cleaner house, more connection with the kids?  Whatever it was don’t lose sight and make sure you continue on your journey today.  Remember 15min a day = over 90hrs in a year.
As I thought back and re-read Nehemiah there are 4 components to successful change in our lives, all of which are found in our relationship with God through Jesus Christ:

1. Prayer/Fasting – It is amazing to me the amount of time that Nehemiah spent in prayer before he ever DID anything.  Do you pray before you make decisions and take action?  If you really want to see change in your life, humbly seek the Lord first that you may not be hindered by your flesh.  When we pray/fast it draws us closer to God and rightly reveals our dependence on Him.

2. Take Action – After praying, Nehemiah takes action by analyzing the change that is needed in front of him.  It’s a big job and requires thought and calculation also.  All the thinking in the world will not get anything done.  At some point, we must take action on what God has revealed to us through His Word.  When we take action after sincere submission through prayer, we see God’s work unfold before us.

3. Remember the Motivation – Nehemiah stays focused on the tasks and helps motivate others as he remembers all that the Lord has done for him.  We serve the God of the Universe who set the world into motion, rescued His people out of Egypt, and brought us into relationship with Him!  When we remember His deeds, we will be dedicated to His vision and have the staying power to do so.

4. Praise and Worship Him – One of the greatest benefits of the Christian life is having a new heart that is filled with worship and praise to our God.  Join me in praise for all that He has done and is doing in our lives!  When we praise Him, we keep our eyes on Him and the purpose He has for us instead of our flesh’s desires.  If you’re really bold and up for a challenge, try praise God while you are eating at each meal.  This gets you in the habit of praising Him and you’ll soon find that it spontaneously happens throughout the whole day.

I have found that when I live according to this pattern, my desires for change are in line with God’s desires for me.  I find that I have the confidence to take action for Him regardless of the circumstances and their difficulty.  I have an awe and reverence for God as I remember His deeds and it brings me to a place where I am lost in worship.

Serving our God is an exciting journey to be fully enjoyed in all its aspects…He is forever transforming us from glory to glory, day by day and conforming us in the image of Christ.  Wow!  What a mighty God we serve!

As always I pray for all of you that read/subscribe so please share a reply on what changes you are working on and I will pray even more specifically for you as you live in in accordance with His Word.  Blessings to my brothers and sisters in Christ….


4 thoughts on “How do I change? – The secret of small chunks – Part 2

  1. My change is taking specific time to focus on praying and listening to God for direction in my career. I am at a crossroads and love helping people and animals and want to go back to school to maybe be a nurse but Since being laid off I am in debt and may have to file bankruptcy if I can save enough and then apply for student loans or scholarships. I also thought about being a teacher. How to do that with my BA in communication being from 1994. It’s hard to know what the right thing is to do. Thank you for your prayers 🙂

    1. Hi Cynthia! You have the right mindset in seeking the LORD first and listening to Him. I have often thought about going back to school, but, with kids here and work, I have made the decision not to pursue. You can have a huge impact along the way also! Praying for you!

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