Christian livingJoyOvercoming Sin

He Has Overcome

I have to admit today is a day where I need to fight for joy.  Not that it’s not present, but that I need to fight to remember it.  Its so easy to fix our eyes on our circumstances.  There have been so many deaths, diagnoses of cancer and divorces that have bruised my heart lately.  I’m heading to a funeral today even. 

In the midst of all of this, we must remember that Jesus has overcome all the tribulations of this life including death, disease, and sin once and for all. Certainly, that is joy. We can take heart for He has overcome them all! What can we do but praise Him with unending joy?  When our eyes are fixed on Him we see what the ending will be, we have strength to press on, and we are filled with a deep deep joy.  


Where are your eyes fixed today? On your situation or on Him?

If you want joy, where do they need to be fixed?

Take 15 min to thank God out loud for sending a His Son to overcome all the tribulations of this life. 


Thank you Father, for having a perfect plan to overcome the trials of this life and to bring a joy that never ends.  Those trials were never worthy to be compared to the joy being revealed to us in Christ Jesus. Amen!

2 thoughts on “He Has Overcome

  1. Thanks Brian for all you inspiring devotions. We need to remember:
    life is hard, God is good but glory is coming.

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