Christian livingMissionVision

God’s Vision For Us

Everything God does comes from a vision He has; whether it is leading His people out of Egypt or reconciling them through Christ at the cross. He is working from His perfect vision.

Not only does He have a vision for the universe for all eternity, but He also has a vision specifically for you. As you read Ephesians 2:10, what elements of His vision for us do we see?

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬ ‭NASB‬‬

There are three things that confirm God’s vision in my mind:

Design by Him: we are His workmanship. If we journey back to Genesis, we find that we were created by His hands and He breathed His breath of life into us.

Designed for good works: we aren’t just an awesome creation to be admired. We were created for a purpose. That purpose is described as the good works we are to walk in. These include discipling others, baptizing them, and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded us (Matt 28:16-30). We do this all for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God.

Designed for action: while God did the heavy lifting in this plan, In His Vision, we are given the responsibility of action. We are to “walk in” the good works that He prepared beforehand. This implies planning and vision as they were “prepared beforehand”

Too many times we throw away or ignore God’s vision for our own vision of having earthly success. It’s easy to do in a performance-based world. We must fight to hold onto the vision God has given us if we are to live in accordance with our design. When we do this successfully, our body, soul, and mind are filled with joy as we serve our Father in heaven and bring Him glory.


In what ways has God designed you specifically to carry out the great commission(Matt. 28::18-20)?

What has been your biggest distraction?

What’s one step you can take today to prevent that distraction and stay focused on carrying out your mission?


Father, You have knit us in our mother’s’ wombs. From before the world began, You knew us and prepared a mission and vision for us. Reveal this truth to our hearts that we may be energized for You and the mission You’ve called us to. You have designed us according to Your perfect plan. Let us walk in the good works You have set before us and not be distracted. May Our lives be pleasing in Your sight and bring You honor and glory forever; in Jesus’ name, Amen!