Christian livingFaithHope

Faith In His Promises 

I love these words our Savior has instructed us; they remind us of the unmatched power our our Father in heaven.  With God it’s not a matter of “if  it’s possible” but that “all things are possible.”

There have been times where life has brought me so low, I couldn’t even see up.  My faith was there, but due to prolonged difficult circumstances, it was weakened. I cried out to God,  “I believe but help me in my unbelief.”  I poured over His promises in scripture as a lifeline for my faith and He heard my cry. He faithfully answered and led me through.  For He was with me through flood and flame and I neither drowned nor burned.  This is faith and even that is a gift. 

The power of faith is fueled by His promises and expands every moment we seek Him with our whole heart and watch for Him to work.  Cry out to Him today. Ask Him to help you in your unbelief. Seek Him diligently in His word, and look for His faithful hand.  Faith changes everything from the inside out!

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