Christian livingDiscipline

Delight In Disciplie

After raising 14 children to adulthood, I’ve seen the principles of this proverb first hand.  You can spend time explaining why discipline is necessary and even back it with scripture that clearly indicates that discipline occurs because of love:

For whom the LORD loves He reproves, Even as a father corrects the son in whom he delights. 

~ Proverbs 3:12

Some with receive it and others will reject it. Being a father is not giving your child everything he or she wants.  It’s about loving them and training them up into adulthood for our Heavenly Father.  This requires discipline. 

I have noticed over the years, that the ones who can receive that discipline, advance, whereas the ones who despise it lead themselves to ruin.  

Even as adults, we are not unlike this.  We love playing the game of trying to manage sin until the LORD disciplines us.  Listen to the reproof you experience as your read His word.  Receive it with a soft heart; ready to change.  Discipline bring a us to a place of life!


Where in your life are you resisting discipline?

What do you need to do to overcome that?

Pray that God would confirm you all the more to the image of Christ. 


Father, teach our hearts to delight in Your word, instruction, and discipline.  For You are a loving God who sees and knows all.  Your discipline is life-giving.  Help us to fully receive it.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!