Christian livingJoySuffering

Conquer Our Sorrows

Yesterday I had the privilege of helping my brother in Christ with a step of his obedience by baptism. Over 100 men came to witness and take part in the event.  What a powerful display of God’s power unleashed on a life that has affected thousands.  So much joy!  I was and am filled to overflowing.  What a great demonstration of trust in our Father’s lovingkindness and rejoicing in His salvation. 

Late in the same day, I received news that a friend of mine was killed in a car accident.  The grief hurts and aches in a way words cannot describe, but I know He is with the Lord now.   The days ahead will be filled with tears and heartache for Family, friends, and my family. We will continue to trust in our Heavenly Father  as He shows us His lovingkindness.  We will rejoice in the salvation our Lord has secured for us!


Amidst the joy there is suffering and amidst the suffering there is joy.  For our Heavenly Father is there through it all; never leaving or forsaking us; fulfilling His promise to be with us to the end of the age.  

Take time today, even if you are mourning, to deeply to gaze upon the cross and see the lovingkindness of the LORD and rejoice!


Father, our emotions are often tied to the events and situations of our lives.  Conquer the sorrows with the joy of Your salvation.  Mend the wounds with Your lovingkindness.  Employ our brokenness for Your glory. In Jesus, Amen!

2 thoughts on “Conquer Our Sorrows

  1. Awesome post about how the LORD has the power to transform and how HE HEARS OUR PRAYERS! Thank you for sharing this!

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