Christian livingLoveRelationshipUnity

Bear With One Another

As I continue to think this week about the burden that Christ has bore for my sin, I’m reminded that I too have been instructed to bear another’s burdens.   We live is a difficult and messy world.  The Facebook view of people’s lives is not reality.  Each of us carries a load in this life.

This burden is not meant to be carried alone.  Together, we are to walk out this life.  This means investing in the lives of those around us; doing good especially to the followers of Christ.

Personal Reflection

Find someone today that you can invest in.  Who is God nudging you to walk with and pray for in their journey.  You have been given gifts, skills and experiences that have equipped you for this ministry.  Pray that God would reveal this person to you and that he would strengthen you heart to bear with them.

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, may your grace abound in our lives always!  Reveal to us your truth and teach us to walk in your ways.  Father, we ask that you might show us who we are to bear burdens with.  As we invest, let us not grow weary while doing good.  Break our hearts for what breaks yours and fill us with your joy, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

2 thoughts on “Bear With One Another

  1. What a reminder to be a servant. I am so self indulgent at times, I am so thankful that I can cry out to Jesus to change my heart. As we bear one another’s burdens we are ushering the presence of Christ into another’s life, however that looks. Prayer, giving money, a meal taken. Make us more like you Jesus! Love one another.

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