Christian livingGivingGoodness

Be Good For Goodness Sake

It can be so frustrating watching people who cheat the systems of life and seem to be getting ahead.  Take heart for a man will reap what he sows.  Surface goodness with a wicked heart will soon be exposed and those who have truly delighted in the Lord will be given the desires of their heart.  Note: This does not mean that if you do a bunch of stuff for God, He owes you and will give you stuff.  

As we come into the Christmas season, I’m reminded of the phrase “Be good for goodness sake”.   While this seems yet to be a trick for parents to get some good behavior out of their kids for at least one month, I see something deeper.  The Lord knows our heart.  When we desire and delight in Him and all His goodness , He will give us the desire of our heart.  This holiday season, let’s truly honor and desire Him.  What better gift could we receive than God Himself and all His goodness.  

Be content in Him and be good for goodness’ sake.