Christian livingEncouragementPatiencePeacePrayer

Anxiety Or Prayer?

Anxiety really doesn’t help your situation and in fact can lead to physical fatigue and illness.  Have you noticed that whenever God gives us instruction about what we should not do, He follows that with what we should do? The same is true here.

Rather than be anxious, pray with thanksgiving.  This is a simple solution but not easy.  When our emotions are in high gear our biggest enemy can be ourselves.  Running to prayer instead of emotion takes practice and usually requires some close brothers and sisters in Christ to help.

I have to confess I’m still working on this one.  Life can get overwhelming at times for a guy with 8 minor children in our home.  Praise God that he is patiently teaching us that He is faithful in all things at all times!

Personal Reflection 

Prayer is powerful because God is powerful. He hears the cries of His people and has compassion in them.  What causes you the most anxiety?  Pray today that God would lead you through and give you victory over that which tempts you to be anxious.  He desires that victory for you.  Seek out a solid believer to walk with you in this journey.

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, we cry out to you for help as our emotions take us on roller coasters sometimes.  We know in our minds that we need not worry yet fears are relentlessly trying to overtake us.  Firmly guard our minds with the truth of your Word.  Sanctify us with that truth.  Fix our minds on the solid foundation of Christ. In His Name we pray, Amen!





4 thoughts on “Anxiety Or Prayer?

  1. A beautiful truth I hope to accommodate more in my life, especially when I speak in public. Lord, help us remember to allow your peace to come in these moments. 🌿

  2. I suffer from a TBI and some PTSD, I can proclaim there is no treatment or remedy like prayer! I cannot explain the difference prayer and reading the WORD has made in my life! I praise GOD for the opportunity for a relationship with Jesus Christ, and as the LORD has promised in LUKE 12- there is no need to worry!

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