Christian livingFaithGospelPatience

Acts Bible Study 24:1-27

Even while Paul was accused, he took every opportunity to explain the gospel.  Though the intent of Felix may have being to get money from Paul, it didn’t curb Paul’s passion and willingness to share over the course of two years.  He pressed on fully trusting in Jesus, His finished work at the cross, and the promises that God would reveal this truth to His people. 

Read Acts 24:1-27 

1) What stood out to you as you read this?

2) What questions or challenges come to mind that are keeping you from fully understanding this text?

3) What’s the main theme?

4) What’s the application for the original readers?

5) How does this passage apply to believers today and you personally?

Seize every opportunity today to tell of the great works God has done; especially of the works of Jesus at the cross!