Christian livingHopeSalvationTruth

Acts Bible Study 17:1-9

What new and flashy message does Paul bring to persuade Jews and Greeks, male and female? There is no new message but instead a very old and powerful prophecy of the One who was to come; the Christ; the Savior of the world.  

It was and is the message of hope and Truth that still brings salvation today.  It wasn’t a popular feel good message, but one that urges us to surrender all that we have; trusting Him over ourselves.  

Read Acts 17:1-9

1) What observations can you make in this passage?

2) What challenges or questions do you need to address/answer to fully understand the text?

3) What’s the main idea boiled down to one sentence?

4) What is the application to original readers?

5) How does this passage apply to believers today and you personally?

Press into His word and truth and have an amazing day!!!