Christian livingFearHope

A Prayer For Those In Despair – Psalm 42.

For those who are in or have been in despair and depression:

Let’s face it. Life can be overwhelming and you can find yourself in some pretty dark places for longthat you can’t seem to get out of.  Remember this side of life is a training ground where we learn to trust in who Jesus is and what he has done despite our circumstances.  We are learning that the trials of this life are not worthy tone compared with the joy that’s being revealed to us in Jesus.  

We must train ourselves to know, live and speak the truth so that when depression comes to steal our joy away, our minds will speak truth and His promises over our hearts to dispel the enemy’s lies. 

There are times when all we have in this life to cling to are God’s word and His presence and let me say that I have learned that those are more than enough!  

Is your mind filled with God’s truth?   Read and meditate on Psalm 42 today.