Christian livingGoodnessObedienceRighteousness

A Heart Of Obedience

There is a stinging truth that our pride often prevents us from seeing the depths of wickedness in our hearts. We make light of our sin and the sacrifice that was made to atone for it. We think of ourselves more highly than we ought. 
Sometimes we even intentionally sin ignoring the magnitude of the Lord’s sacrifice reducing the cross to an unlimited get out of jail free card. It is true that where sin abounds grace abounds all the more; however, Paul said in Romans:

“What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be…”  ~ Romans 6:1-2a NASB

God sees our heart for what it is and longs for it to be pure like His. He desires our heart to overflow with righteousness and justice out of a love and devotion for Him.  Our hearts were designed to love and worship Him!  

What sin in your life continues to promise life but keeps delivering death?   

Confess that sin before God today, turn from to Your Father in heaven, and know that what He has provided in Christ is all you need. 

Pray today that the minds of our brothers and sisters as well as ours would be rightly fixed on Jesus Christ, that we would humbly see our hearts as they truly are, and that we would realize our desperate need for Him. For He is our love, He is our justice, and He is our righteousness. 


2 thoughts on “A Heart Of Obedience

  1. Such an important topic Brian and very well said! If we don’t pray for God to give us the Grace to turn from sin then our hearts may harden in sin which could then cause us to eternally turn away from God and never ask for His mercy!

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